Singapore Together Alliances for Action

Recognising the need for Singapore to act quickly and decisively in order for our economy to emerge stronger from the COVID-19 crisis, the Emerging Stronger Taskforce (EST) convened the Singapore Together Alliances for Action (AfA) in June 2020. The AfAs are industry-led coalitions, working in partnership with the Government, to prototype ideas in areas of opportunity for Singapore or address a common challenge. A total of nine AfAs were formed under the EST. Find out more about the nine AfAs here.

Building on the work of the EST, the FEC is institutionalising the AfA model as an additional tool for private-public collaboration, to enable transformative economic growth, and spur collaboration on creative ideas in different areas.

The AfA model brings together the industry and the Government to work towards a common goal within a compressed timeline of three to six months. While each AfA may take a different approach, a typical AfA brings together private and public sector stakeholders to work in partnership through a three-step process.

  • Concept Creation. Prior to the formation of an AfA, stakeholders come together to brainstorm for ideas, identify problem statement(s) to work on, and develop possible concepts solutions.

  • Concept Testing. Once an AfA is formed, it undergoes an iterative process to refine the concept and develop minimum viable products (MVPs) so that they are achievable within a compressed timeline of three to six months. During this step, the AfA needs to make sure that its ideas are feasible and makes commercial sense, so that they can be scaled up subsequently, if successful.

  • Scale and Conclude. At the end of its term, the AfA documents the learning points and insights gathered from the AfA journey, and evaluates its results against the outcomes it originally set out to achieve. It is important to recognise that not all AfAs will 'graduate' in the same way. Some AfAs may not work, and we must be prepared to end them; while others may conclude with successful implementation of MVPs that can be scaled up subsequently. Some AfAs may also conclude by imparting lessons that can be applied to other similar initiatives.
   Click here for more about the AfA at a glance.
 How it works    
  Click here for an infographic on how the AfA model works.

Future Economy
Future Economy Advisory Panel (FEAP)
The Alliances for Action (AfA)
Industry Transformation Maps (ITMs)
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