Speech by SMS Koh Poh Koon at the ASEAN-China Year of Innovation Launch Ceremony

Speech by SMS Koh Poh Koon at the ASEAN-China Year of Innovation Launch Ceremony


Minister of Science and Technology Wang Zhigang


Distinguished Guests

Ladies and Gentlemen

PM’s Congratulatory Message

  • First, let me thank His Excellency Minister Wang for hosting this auspicious event to launch the ASEAN-China Year of Innovation.
  • And to express our appreciation for the congratulatory message by His Excellency Premier Li Keqiang.
  • Allow me to deliver Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong’s congratulatory message before I make some brief remarks of my own.


ASEAN-China relations are strong, substantive and mutually-beneficial.  In 2016, we commemorated the 25th Anniversary of ASEAN-China Dialogue Relations.  This year, both sides will be celebrating 15 years of ASEAN-China Strategic Partnership.  

China is the only ASEAN Dialogue Partner with whom ASEAN has a focused theme of cooperation every year.  Last year, we commemorated the ASEAN-China Year of Tourism Cooperation, after tourist arrivals between ASEAN and China exceeded 30 million in 2016.  This year’s focus is on Innovation, which is one of Singapore’s ASEAN Chairmanship themes, and a salient topic in today’s digital economy, where technological mastery is key to providing better services to our people and to economic success.  How we deal with the opportunities and challenges of technological disruption across multiple domains – from science & technology, education, digitalisation, to enterprise and entrepreneurship – is an issue where ASEAN and China have many shared interests in.

To this end, ASEAN and China are seeking to deepen mutually-beneficial cooperation in innovation.  The potential is huge as ASEAN and China are home to a vibrant ecosystem of start-ups, technology companies and solution providers.  ASEAN’s digital economy is projected to exceed US$200 billion in 2025,[1] while China is one of the innovation and technology powerhouses in the world today.  China currently houses the world’s second largest group of unicorns,[2] and is among the top three countries for venture capital investment in digital technologies.[3]   

With more than 500 smart city projects underway,[4] China has the largest number of smart cities in the world.  As one of Singapore’s Chairmanship deliverables is to establish an ASEAN Smart Cities Network, we look forward to facilitating partnerships between these ASEAN cities and external partners like China.

As ASEAN Chair and Country Coordinator for ASEAN-China Dialogue Relations, Singapore will continue to play a constructive role to deepen mutual understanding and cooperation between the two sides. 

I wish ASEAN and China success on the launch of the Year of Innovation 2018!

ASEAN-China Innovation Cooperation

  • I will now make some brief remarks to build on my Prime Minister’s message.   
  • China has been an active dialogue partner of ASEAN on innovation, including in the area of Science and Technology cooperation. 
o   In 2012, the ASEAN-China Science and Technology Partnership Program (STEP) was launched, in commemoration of the ASEAN-China Year of Science and Technology Cooperation. 
o   I am pleased to note that the programme has strengthened closer S&T links between ASEAN Member States and ​​China, through the setting up of bilateral joint laboratories and technology transfer centres, as well as exchanges of ​​scientific talent.

ASEAN’s Innovation Potential

  • As ASEAN Chair, Singapore has been working with fellow ASEAN Member States on a number of initiatives related to innovation.  Let me highlight three in which ASEAN can cooperate with China.
  • First, to deepen cooperation in e-Commerce.  ASEAN is currently pursuing an ASEAN Agreement on e-Commerce, which will advance trade rules in e-Commerce and build up greater digital connectivity, to facilitate e-Commerce flows in the region.  It will provide a platform for aspiring entrepreneurs, start-ups and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) to market their products and services regionally, while making it easier for them to send and receive electronic payments.  This is an area where ASEAN can benefit from China’s experience and success, with a view towards strengthening and facilitating ASEAN-China trade flows.
  • Second, to support the establishment of an ASEAN Smart Cities Network (ASCN).  ASEAN Member States have nominated a total of 26 pilot cities for the ASCN.  We envisage this as an inclusive platform for ASEAN cities to share best practices, develop city-specific action plans, and catalyse bankable projects in partnership with the private sector and ASEAN’s external partners, including China.
  • Third, Singapore is working on an ASEAN Innovation Network.  This network seeks to strengthen the linkages between innovation ecosystems in ASEAN Member States to spark new collaborations and solutions, which can address the demand from an increasingly sophisticated and growing consumer base in the region.  We welcome China’s involvement and cooperation in the area of Innovation, including the sharing of experiences and best practices, which will help bolster the innovation ecosystem in Asia.


  • Singapore looks forward to China’s support for our ASEAN Chairmanship and efforts in deepening mutual understanding and cooperation between ASEAN and China.  In the Year of Innovation, I would like to encourage both sides to step up cooperation in practical initiatives that will bring tangible benefits to our people, allow ASEAN and China to tap on new opportunities in the digital economy, and reinforce our value proposition to our global partners.  Through sustained effort, ASEAN and China can work together to build a competitive, resilient and innovative region that anchors our relevance on the global stage.
  • I am confident that our partnership in innovation will lead us to a more vibrant and prosperous future.  让我们创新求变, 引领未来! [Internal note: 坚韧团结, 创新求变 is the Chinese translation of our ASEAN Chairmanship tagline of “Resilient and Innovative”.  “创新引领未来” is China’ proposed slogan for the ASEAN-China YOI.] 
  • Thank you.

[1] Based on Google and Temasek’s e-Conomy SEA Spotlight report in December 2017
[2] Based on a joint report by Deloitte and China Venture Consulting Research Institute in September 2017
[3] Based on a paper by McKinsey Global Institute in August 2017
[4] Based on a report by Economic Information Daily, a Chinese state-owned media 

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