Mr Teo Ser Luck at the Nanjing Eco High-Tech Island Investment Promotion Conference, 25 Oct 2011

Mr Teo Ser Luck at the Nanjing Eco High-Tech Island Investment Promotion Conference, 25 Oct 2011








1. 今天,我很荣幸受邀参加中国南京新机会暨新加坡·南京生态科技岛推介会。我非常高兴季市长再次来到新加坡,也对南京远道而来的朋友表示热烈的欢迎。

2. 新加坡与南京的关系可谓源远流长,双方在文化、贸易、投资等各方面一向有着密切的交流。南京市是一个可以开拓的市场。新加坡·南京生态科技岛这个项目非常庞大,它可以协助企业向南京发展。而且,新加坡在青奥运所总积的经验也可协助南京举办下一届青奥运的筹备。南京最早的重大外来投资项目就来自一位新加坡华侨 - 欣光公司的创始人,陶欣伯先生。他于1980年投资建设了南京金陵饭店,之后更先后投资建设了南京状元楼酒店、苏州工业园、上海世贸商城等重大项目。

3 .时至去年,新加坡已是南京第五大投资国,主要投资领域包括制造、工程、建筑与房地产业。两地在过去的几年中不断加深合作关系,拓展合作领域,并在环保、交通、城市规划、青奥会筹办等诸多领域取得了丰硕的合作成果。南京具有丰富的教育科研资源及深厚的历史文化底蕴,同时也是中国区域中心城市和长三角门户城市,拥有独特的区位和交通优势。在十二五计划下,南京市目前正向着大力发展创新、科技、教育与人才的方向积极努力。新加坡十分乐意配合这发展方向,推动符合该方针的优秀新加坡企业前来南京探讨合作,并分享我们在该领域的经验。同时,新-宁两地在青奥会领域的合作交流也将为创新、科教与人才的发展起到积极的推动作用。

4. 生态科技岛项目由新加坡企业仁恒与胜科领导,并得到了新加坡国际企业发展局与江苏省委、省政府,南京市委及市政府的支持。它也是新-苏合作理事会框架下的旗舰项目之一。在生态科技岛的发展过程中,新加坡国际企业发展局也一直与合资公司合作,在招商、筹划、培训等各方面大力推动项目进展。我也很高兴看到在昨天圆满结束的理事会议上,合资公司与南京市政府也签署了两项协议,在南京增加投入,力求将生态科技岛打造完善。

5. 我一直很关注新加坡·南京生态科技岛项目。自从我就任新-苏合作理事会联合副主席以来,几乎每个月都会详读关于项目进展的专项报告。今年7月,我也专程赴南京考察了生态科技岛。其独特的江景、自然的生态、及绝佳的区位给我留下了深刻的印象。在我更深入了解项目的总体规划、产业发展、交通组织、水利工程、生态保护以及首期启动项目后,我对项目的前景充满了信心和期待。这项目其规划水平高超,考虑事项也非常地缜密。新加坡·南京生态科技岛先进的规划理念与江苏省打造生态城市以及南京市走科技创新之路的发展相契合。这对于探索人,经济,和自然的和谐发展取得了重要的先锋意义。在此,我诚挚感谢季市长及各位相关领导及部门在幕后所做的工作,各位的努力协调与帮助对克服项目初期的挑战功不可没。

6. 今天的推介会上将有数十家企业与生态科技岛项目签约。我对此感到非常地欣慰。让我们共同期待:在明年的新-苏合作理事会上见证新加坡与南京在经贸领域合作的丰硕成果、见证在座各位企业家的成功发展。在接下来的发展阶段,生态科技岛将寻求信息通信、环保、新能源、新材料、生命科技、新媒体等高端产业的合作伙伴。我相信在场的各个新加坡企业能进一步丰富新加坡与南京在经贸等领域的合作内容,提升合作层次,增进我们之间的友谊。


Good morning,

1. There are deep and long-running bilateral ties between Singapore and Nanjing. Interestingly, one of the earliest major foreign investments in Nanjing was by a Chinese national-turned-Singaporean, Mr Tao Shing Pee, founder of the Shing Kwan Group. He made his first foray into China in 1980 with the Nanjing Jinling Hotel, and subsequently invested in the Nanjing Mandarin Garden Hotel, Suzhou Industrial Park and the Shanghai Mart, pioneering the strong collaborative relationship between Singapore and China

2. Last year, Singapore was Nanjing’sfifth largest investor, with investments across manufacturing, engineering, construction and real estate. Bilateral collaborations have also increased in areas such as environmental services, transport, urban planning and the Youth Olympic Games. Nanjing is strong in science and education, and has a rich talent pool. It also has a rich historical heritage. With all these elements combined, Nanjing has become one of the important hubs for China and the Yangtze River Delta. Under Nanjing’s 12th Five-Year Plan, the city is promoting development in innovation, technology, education and talent. All these initiatives, coupled with the upcoming 2014 Youth Olympic Games, make Nanjing a vibrant city with many business opportunities for our Singapore companies.

3. In this regard, I am happy to see the progress made by the Singapore-Nanjing Eco High Tech Island. The project is driven by Singapore companies, Yanlord and Sembcorp, supported by IE Singapore, as well as the Jiangsu and Nanjing governments. IE Singapore has worked closely with the JV company on investment promotion, planning and training required for the project. It is one of the two important platform projects supported by our Singapore-Jiangsu Collaboration Cooperation Council (SJCC). Two agreements on the project were signed at the 5th SJCC meeting yesterday. Today, I am happy to note that 30 agreements and MOUs will be signed between the JV company and various partners.

4. Since I assumed position as the SJCC Vice Co-Chairman, I have been closely monitoring the Singapore-Nanjing Eco High-Tech Island project. This July, I visited Jiangxinzhou. Its unique river view, environment and excellent location left a deep impression on me. The project, with its avant-garde concept and meticulous masterplanning, closely matches Jiangsu’s drive to develop high quality eco-cities, as well as Nanjing’s development focus in technology and innovation. The island is strategically located next to the main YOG venue and the emerging Hexi New Town, and is well-placed to tap on Nanjing’s vibrant growth and activities.

5. In the next development stage, the JV company is looking for partners in high-end industries such as info-communication technology, environmental services, new energy and materials, life sciences as well as new media.

6. Two weeks ago, I visited Nanjing with a group of Singapore SMEs and had a good exchange with the Nanjing Youth Olympic Games Organising Committee. We identified potential business opportunities for our companies, as Nanjing prepares to host the Youth Olympic Games in 2014. I urge the companies present today to use the Singapore-Nanjing Eco High Tech Island project as a platform to share our development concept and capabilities and gain entry into Nanjing. Your participation will bring our Singapore-Nanjing economic ties to greater heights.

7.Finally, I wish everyone a fruitful session and the conference a great success. Thank you! 谢谢大家!

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