Mr Lee Yi Shyan at Bedok View Secondary School’s 30th Speech Day and Prize Giving Ceremony

Mr Lee Yi Shyan at Bedok View Secondary School’s 30th Speech Day and Prize Giving Ceremony


Mrs Gan Lai Chui
E2 Cluster Superintendent

Mr Chin Lai Fook
Vice-Chairman, School Advisory Committee

Mr William Tan
Chairman, Parent Support Group

Mr Boo Chong-Han
Principal, Bedok View Secondary School

Distinguished guests


Teachers and Students

I am pleased to be here at Bedok View Secondary School’s 30th Speech and Prize Giving Day. It is indeed heartening to see so many parents and students here this afternoon as we celebrate this important and happy occasion.

We are here today not only to acknowledge the individual achievements of the boys and girls who have excelled in various fields, but also to celebrate the school’s efforts in fostering a learning environment where students are given the opportunity and encouraged to stretch themselves, both in academic achievements and in the CCA arena.

A Holistic Education

Today marks 30 years in the course of the education journey for Bedok View Secondary School. Since its official opening in September 1979, Bedok View has provided an environment that caters to the academic, physical, moral, social and aesthetic development of its students.

The teachers and students have much to be proud of. As mentioned by your Principal, Mr Boo, at last year’s GCE ‘O’ level examination, Bedok View Secondary has scored a record number of distinctions – including two students with a record of 7 ‘A1s’! 98% of your graduating cohort also qualified for further studies in the Junior Colleges, polytechnics and institutes of technical education.

Education however, is more than just academic achievements. I am heartened to learn that the school has done well in its CCAs too – both in the sports and cultural arena. Bedok View achieved the Silver award in the NAPFA fitness test for 4 years running, and your Uniform Groups have achieved the Sustained Achievement Award for 2 consecutive years. In the last Singapore Youth Festival Central Judging Competition, the Angklung Ensemble, Guzheng and Modern Dance groups clinched Silver Awards, while the Choir, Concert Band, Chinese Dance, Malay Dance and Chinese Drama clinched the Bronze Awards. Congratulations!

Learning Outside the Classroom

A holistic learning experience is one that goes beyond the classroom. In order to ensure that its students keep pace with our changing environment, Bedok View has rolled out a number of initiatives, particularly in info-comm technology.

This is a timely move. Singapore’s media sector has enjoyed steady growth over the last decade. As at 2006, the media sector contributed $5 billion value-added and $19.5 billion revenue to the economy, employing more than 54,000 workers. The compounded annual growth rate of the media sector from 1996 to 2006 was 8.0% - higher than the overall economy’s 5.2%.

Riding on the growth prospects of the sector, the Government recently announced that it will set aside S$230 million over five years under the Singapore Media Fusion plan to develop the local media industry. That is on top of the existing support of $500 million from the National Research Foundation, over five years for interactive digital media research and development.

You may have heard about George Lucas – creator of Star Wars – setting up a digital animation studio in Singapore; or Singapore’s collaboration with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) to establish the Singapore-MIT International Game Lab (SMIGL) to further digital game research globally, and develop world-class academic programmes in game technology. Besides collaborating with Microsoft to fuel Made-in-Singapore game content, MDA is also offering $50,000 grants to budding game developers to create games for Xbox LIVE Community Games Channel[1]. To add to the list, Singapore is the first territory in the world to have national theatrical roll-out of a digital 3D film - Disney’s animation “Bolt”.

Recognizing the growing importance of the media industry and the prevalence of info-comm technology, Bedok View Secondary has invested in infrastructure to develop its students’ ICT competencies. Your Library, Design & Technology and Science laboratories have been equipped with wireless technology and Tablet PCs. The school, in partnership with IDA, also started the Infocomm Club as a new CCA. Bedok View Secondary is probably the only school that has wired up all its students via Facebook, to familiarize all students on the proper use of the popular social networking tool.

I am pleased to know that the school has now built a Media Development Room, which is equipped with specialized equipment such as audio and video recording facilities, green screen and higher-end computers. The facility is dedicated to ICT experimentation for students and teachers.

I am also told that Bedok View Secondary has introduced a new subject - Digital Music Programme, for the Normal (Technical) stream students since 2007. In order to provide better practicing and recording facilities for these students, the school has also invested in a jamming studio called ‘The Coop’ where there are acoustic and digital drum sets for students to create, practice and record their music compositions.

Today, Bedok View Secondary will be launching these two new facilities, offering an avenue for you to explore and pursue your interest in interactive media, communication and technology. This facility will help spark the interest of potential talents for Singapore’s fast-growing media and ICT industry. This is an exciting development for students who are keen to pursue a career in the creative industries. I am happy to officiate the opening of these two facilities.


As we celebrate your achievements today, it is only right that we express our gratitude to your parents, your family, your teachers, your friends and those who love and support you. Let me congratulate all the prize-winners. Let us also thank your parents and teachers who have contributed very significantly to your success.

Finally, remember your alma mater as proverb 饮水思源 says. Stay in touch with the school, your peers, your teachers and help mentor the juniors. On this note, I wish you all the very best.

Thank you!

[1] Xbox LIVE Community Games is a new games distribution channel that promises to democratize game development and revolutionize the way consumers get and play community-created games on Xbox 360. It allows consumers to create, submit and start commercializing their creations with minimal barriers of entry.

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