Mr S Iswaran at the Official Opening of Clementi Woods Secondary School

Mr S Iswaran at the Official Opening of Clementi Woods Secondary School


Good evening

Dr Cheah Horn Mun,

Director, Educational Technology

Miss Low Chee Moon,

Principal, ClementiWoodsSecondary School,

Ladies and Gentlemen



It gives me great pleasure to officiate at today’s Opening Ceremony of Clementi Woods Secondary School.

ClementiWoodsSecondary School was established in January 2007, through the merger of GhimMohSecondary School and JinTaiSecondary School.I remember vividly when the school first became a part of this community; the vibrant colours of the school’s façade and banners reading ‘A new beginning, A new identity’ were a refreshing sight for the community and an inspirational call to the school’s new students.

Since its inception, Clementi Woods Secondary has endeavoured to inculcate a deep sense of ownership, loyalty and pride among its students and staff. Indeed, the School Logo, the School Song and the design of the new uniform have all been the collective work of both students and staff.I commend your efforts and look forward to more of such initiatives.

I was also informed that in celebration of the school’s Official Opening, the school has created, with the aid of a parent volunteer, an interesting hybrid strain of guppy that bears the school’s colours.The school has also produced three sets of special postage stamps and a jigsaw puzzle ball to commemorate this milestone event. These initiatives are a tribute to the creativity and camaraderie within the school community.

School’s achievements

On the academic and CCA front, Clementi Woods has performed creditably since its inception last year. In 2008, the school clinched two value-added Academic Awards (1 Silver and 1 Bronze for Express and Normal Streams respectively) from the first cohort taking the 2007 GCE ‘O’ Level Examinations.It also achieved valued-added results in the 2008 GCE ‘O’ Levels.In 2007, the school bagged four awards at the Singapore Youth Festival for the Performing Arts, for the dance group and concert band.These are highly commendable accomplishments for a newly-established school.

With the sound all-round results, the profile of the school has risen.I am pleased to note that the number of students opting for Clementi Woods Secondary as their school of choice has almost doubled over these two years.

School-Community engagements

Besides school-based curriculum, students have also taken time off to volunteer at The Jamiyah Home and The Red Cross Home for the Disabled.It is heartening to know that the weekly visits by the students to these Homes have brought cheer to their residents.

On top of voluntary work, the school has also embarked on an initiative with the Clementi Police division and the Clementi Student Care Service Centre.Called ‘Think Global, Act Local’, the three groups will come together to set up Youth COP (Citizen on Patrol). You might have seen these Youth COP members, also known as Crime Prevention Ambassadors, around the neighbourhood distributing crime prevention brochures and joining police officers on neighbourhood patrols.This effective collaboration has enhanced school-community relations and developed students’ self-esteem.

New school programmes

Against the backdrop of the current global economic downturn, it is especially important that our students are equipped with the skills and the mindset to meet the changing needs and challenges of the global economy.Clementi Woods Secondary has recognized this and has developed new school programmes in response.The teachers have arranged for graduating classes to undergo a two-day workshop conducted by a psychologist with the aim of enhancing students’ resilience.The workshop includes an evaluation of each individual and provides analysis for teachers to tailor subsequent pastoral care programmes for students with specific needs.I am reassured that the school has adopted a holistic educational approach to fully develop the potential of its students.

Exploring Possibilities, Expanding Horizons’ is the school’s theme for the new academic year.It will serve as a reminder for both students and teachers to venture beyond the usual methods of teaching and explore other innovative programmes that foster two-way interaction between teachers and students.

One of the programmes the school has rolled out, Philosophy for Children, otherwise known as P4C, is now being introduced in English and Moral Education lessons. P4C serves to sharpen thought processes and reasoning skills among students, an attribute that students will certainly find valuable when they enter the workforce.

Another interesting and inventive programme is the Guppy Hybridisation Programme where students are taught genetics and Hybridisation techniques.I understand that the school is even exploring ways to market the guppies in future.So, we may soon be hearing more about the school’s pioneer batch of young entrepreneurs.

Measures to help students in the downturn

I also recognise the challenges the school faces, and appreciate the opportunities that it is providing its students, some of whom come from disadvantaged homes.Recently, a slew of measures have been announced to enhance help for students from lower-income families whose education might be adversely affected during this economic downturn.Under the scheme, secondary schools will receive S$20,000 in financial aid for needy students.This will ensure that our students are not deprived of an education even though their families may be facing financial difficulties.

I am glad to note that the school has utilised the funds provided by MOE.In particular, the Opportunity Fund and the Internationalisation Fund provide enriching programmes and international exposure for our students through overseas learning journeys and adventure camps.

Singapore’s emphasis on education

The fact that Singapore has been consistently investing between 3 to 4 per cent of our GDP on education reflects the importance we place on education.

Likewise, our educators have demonstrated equal commitment and passion in their teaching careers.If you would recall in December last year, Dr Ng Eng Hen, Minister for Education, highlighted that the “teacher community must also play its part to grow and develop teachers as self-directed learners.”MOE will also support schools to establish themselves as Professional Learning Communities.Some enablers of PLCs already exist in schools, such as the School Staff Developer position, Time-Tabled Time and the 100 hours professional development.Clementi Woods Secondary, I am happy to note, has these enablers in place and has volunteered to be in the pilot phase of MOE’s initiative of PLCs being rolled out in the coming months.


The road ahead for Clementi Woods Secondary will be a challenging yet rewarding one.Nestled within a neighbourhood of many secondary schools, Clementi Woods Secondary can and should distinguish itself as a school of good standing where students are imbued with strong values and groomed for the future with all-round capabilities.

I wish ClementiWoodsSecondary School continued progress, success and many more milestone achievements in the future.It is now my pleasure to declare ClementiWoodsSecondary School open.

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