About Us

The Pro-Enterprise Panel (PEP) is a private-public panel chaired by the Head of Civil Service. The PEP comprises of business leaders and senior public officers who are passionate about enabling businesses.


The PEP seeks to enable a pro-enterprise environment by regularly reviewing rules and regulations to encourage innovation, streamlining regulations to minimize compliance costs for businesses, and encouraging regulatory innovation to support new business models. Since its inception in 2000, the PEP has received over 2000 suggestions, with more than 1,100 effective changes in rules or regulations across various industries and domains. 


There are 3 initiatives that businesses may wish to tap on,

i) PEP Suggestion, 

ii) First Mover Framework (FMF) and the,

iii) New Idea Scheme (NIS).


PEP E-Advisor 

To support businesses in assessing how the PEP can support their regulatory needs or challenges, you may wish to use PEP's E-advisor. Scan the QR to take a short assessment,

Dear Reader,

1. The Pro-Enterprise Panel (PEP) was set up in 2000 to seek and act on suggestions on how government rules and regulations can be improved so that our businesses spend less time, effort, and money in complying with them.

2. Rules are needed to run the country. Making sure that they do not hinder businesses unnecessarily must be an on-going effort. To this end, public agencies pro-actively review and update their rules. But their efforts can be boosted by ideas from businesses, who are often best placed, at the receiving end, to tell us how government rules can be formulated and implemented better.

3. Every suggestion is taken seriously, whether it is about rules that have outlived their usefulness, cumbersome processes, or onerous requirements. The PEP ensures that all suggestions are evaluated with a particular focus on the business perspective.

4. The PEP also encourages innovation - the key driver of economic growth - with the First Mover Framework, which gives a leg up to entrepreneurs with innovative ideas that require the use of public assets. If you have such a business idea, we urge you to write to us too.

5. Since 2000, the PEP has received more than 2,000 suggestions and accepted more than half of them. Besides facilitating the operation of businesses, the suggestions help public officers understand the needs of business better - as the PEP process emphasises a more measured and consultative approach in making or enforcing rules.

6. I look forward to receiving more ideas from businesses on how to make Singapore even more pro-enterprise.

Chairman, Pro-Enterprise Panel

Head,  Civil Service

Mr Leo Yip
Chairman PEP, Head Civil Service
Permanent Secretary (PMO)
Mr Jeffrey Siow
Mr Jeffrey Siow
Deputy Chairman PEP
Second Permanent Secretary, MOM and MTI
Abu Bakar
Mr Abu Bakar Bin Mohd Nor
Chairman, M Kapital Holdings Pte Ltd
President, SMCCI
Chairman, WSH Council
Ms Jamie Ang
Deputy Secretary (Transformation)
Public Service Division
Mr John Cheng
Innovate 360
Ms Karen Cheah
Founder and CEO
Alterpacks Pte Ltd
Ms Cindy Khoo
Managing Director
Enterprise Singapore
Mr Kok Ping Soon
Singapore Business Federation
Dr Sanjay Kuttan
Dr Sanjay Chittaranjan Kuttan
Chief Technology Officer
Global Centre for Maritime Decarbonisation
Ms Annabel Lee
Digital Policy (APJ) and ASEAN
Amazon Web Services
Ms Cindy Lim
CEO Infrastructure
Keppel Ltd
Ms Melissa Tan
CEO, Wah & Hua Pte Ltd
Chairman, Waste Management and Recycling
Association of Singapore (WMRAS)
Dr Tan Sian Wee
Dr Tan Sian Wee
Senior Vice President of Innovation and Enterprise
Tan Yinglan
Mr Tan Yinglan
CEO & Founding Managing Partner
Insignia Ventures Partners
Mr Tan Yoong Heng
Singapore Country Leader
Arup Singapore Pte Ltd

Q1: How long does it take to complete an assessment for support under First Mover Framework (FMF) and New Idea Scheme (NIS)?

A1: In general, proposals that involve multiple agencies will require more time for the assessment to be completed. Assessment periods varies and may range from 3 to 6
months, depending on the complexity of the proposal.

Q2: Will my proposal be kept confidential?

A2: All information submitted will be handled with the strictest confidentiality. Relevant agency representatives will abide
by a code of non-disclosure until the official launch of the proposal/ new idea itself. PEP respects the sensitivity of ideas and IP. Thus, we will ensure that all ideas are protected and not pre-maturely released to the public.

Q3: If I am a foreign business looking to expand my operations in Singapore or introduce a new concept in Singapore, can I consult the PEP on Singapore’s regulatory environment?

A3: The PEP welcomes proposals from all businesses, if there are intentions to do business in Singapore. We highly encourage all businesses to do brief research of prevailing regulations that may be applicable to your product/service. If you are unable to find any regulations related to your product/service or are unsure if your business needs to abide by select regulations, the PEP would be happy to clarify your concern with the relevant agency.

Content for Business Testimonials
Pro-Enterprise Panel
PEP Suggestions
First Mover Framework (FMF)
New Idea Scheme (NIS)
Green Economy Regulatory Initiative (GERI)
Our Industry Partners
PEP-SBF Annual Awards
PEP-SBF Annual Awards 2023
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