Colleagues and friends,
Ladies and gentlemen,
1. Today is Total Defence Day. On this day, more than 80 years ago, Singapore fell to the Japanese during World War II. We commemorate this day every year, as a reminder of the importance of our collective responsibility to defend our nation, to preserve our sovereignty, and to protect our loved ones.
2. We are thankful that Singapore is not at war, or staring down the danger of a military conflict; nonetheless, we do face a multitude of risks, uncertainties and threats.
a. Geopolitical contestation, especially between the US and China, will have significant implications not just for our businesses, but also for regional peace and security.
b. Protectionist measures on trade and investment will not only affect production and supply chains (and therefore businesses), but also consumers at large because of inflation.
c. Unrest in the Middle East may drive extremist groups in our region, and therefore fuel fears of terrorism. In particular, the situation in Gaza continues to be volatile, and remains an emotionally charged issue for our communities; this could disrupt our social harmony.
d. We have to also raise our guard against the possibility of cyberattacks, in particular on our critical infrastructure, especially as more of our operations and services become digitally connected. And with more of our citizens transacting online, we also have to be more careful of fake news and disinformation operations, especially with AI and deepfakes, that can manipulate public opinion and undermine trust in our institutions.
e. Last but not least, we should never take our peace and security for granted, and think that a ‘hot war’ will never come near our shores.
3. More fundamentally, we are seeing a convergence of various political, social and economic forces contriving to push back against globalisation, integration and inter-dependence. This will have far-reaching implications for the Global Order that has underpinned global peace and prosperity over the past few decades.
4. As a small country, we need to stay strong, secure and cohesive, so that we stand united and resilient against the challenges that we face, and remain agile and nimble to seize the opportunities that may come our way.
5. Each of us – whether individuals, businesses, communities and the Government – have a role to play in Total Defence.
a. Our businesses must continue to stand firm against economic coercion, and at the same time, forge new avenues for growth in our region, as well as in the green and digital economy. This will enable us to build a strong and more resilient economy, and strengthen our economic defence.
b. Beyond the economy, our people must make the effort to broaden their social networks with those of other races, religions and nationalities. This way, we can deepen the trust and understanding amongst various communities, and thereby strengthen our social defence.
c. We must be alert to threats within the community, and learn what to do in the event of a crisis so that we can help one another and be effective first responders. This will ensure that we have an effective civil defence.
d. We must also be attentive to threats in the digital world, and put in place robust safeguards to protect our data, devices and systems online. In addition, we must strive to be more digitally discerning of what we read and consume online, to reinforce our digital defence.
e. Just as importantly, we must build up our psychological defence against a more volatile, uncertain and even disruptive environment ahead, and hold firm to our beliefs and values that define our unique Singapore identity.
f. Last but not least, each of us plays a role in ensuring that our country has a strong and effective Home Team and SAF, so that we will always have a formidable military defence against external threats.
g. As the challenges we face are becoming more complex, it is even more important that we strengthen our whole-of-nation response – Economic, Social, Civil, Digital, Psychological, and Military – to be vigilant, to be prepared when disruptions happen, and to support one another so that we can stay united and recover faster and stronger.
Exercise SG Ready 2025
6. Along with the commemoration of Total Defence Day, it is also my pleasure to commence this year’s Exercise SG Ready 2025. Organised by MINDEF together with the Energy Market Authority, this year’s exercise held over a two-week period will focus on building up our capabilities to respond to power disruptions and cyberattacks.
a. Last year, over 800 public, private and community organisations took part in Exercise SG Ready.
b. This year, I am heartened that we are engaging even more businesses and getting our SMEs onboard, alongside our schools and community groups, to participate in this exercise to test out their contingency plans.
c. Total Defence is everyone’s business. Through this exercise, we hope that everyone will be more aware of potential disruptions, and be more familiar with the contingency plans that will allow them to go about their daily routines and live their lives normally. and business functions.
7. As we celebrate SG60, let us take heart in how we have come together over the last six decades as one nation through many crises and emerged stronger, including the racial riots in the 1960s, the financial crises in 1997 and 2008, and the recent COVID-19 pandemic. Through these crises, our shared values of unity and mutual support remain the cornerstone of our nation’s strength.
8. By embracing the spirit of Total Defence, we can look ahead with confidence that we can navigate a more unpredictable and turbulent future, seize the opportunities that lie ahead, and build an even stronger Singapore together.
9. Thank you and have an enjoyable afternoon.