Speech by SMS Low Yen Ling at the launch of SBS Transit Mobility Innovation Centre (MINNOVA)

Speech by SMS Low Yen Ling at the launch of SBS Transit Mobility Innovation Centre (MINNOVA)

Mr Jeffrey Sim, Group Chief Executive, SBS Transit Ltd,

Distinguished Guests,

Ladies and gentlemen,




1. Good morning. I am delighted to join you today to launch the SBS Transit Mobility Innovation Centre, or MINNOVA.


2. Established by SBS Transit and Enterprise Singapore (EnterpriseSG) in November last year, MINNOVA is a hub for academia, startups, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and industry experts to co-create solutions together. It aims to develop a smarter, more inclusive, and accessible mobility ecosystem.


Partnerships with local startups and SMEs to foster innovation in the transport industry


3. I am glad to see many representatives from local startups and enterprises here to mark the launch of MINNOVA.


a. Since MINNOVA’s inception, 12 startups and SMEs have worked with SBS Transit to develop homegrown mobility-related solutions. These solutions aim to meet SBS Transit’s business needs and address challenges in our transportation sector.


b. Today, SBS Transit will sign Memorandums of Understanding with FingerDance, RSP Architects, Aviation Virtual Private Limited, and other industry partners to sustain and promote further collaboration. These partnerships signal a strong commitment to fostering closer cooperation and developing innovative solutions. I look forward to more industry partnerships, creative ideas, and groundbreaking innovations from MINNOVA.


Catalysing the co-creation of homegrown mobility tech solutions


4. MINNOVA will catalyse the co-creation of homegrown mobility tech solutions. This will bring several benefits.


5. Firstly, it offers our startups and SMEs the opportunity to develop their ideas, test the feasibility and scalability of their innovations, and potentially commercialise these solutions.


a. Startups and SMEs can access resources such as a digital lab to turn their ideas into proof-of-concept (POC) or even proof-of-value (POV).


b. They can also trial their POCs or POVs at SBS Transit's vehicle depots.


c. If successful, these solutions can be deployed across SBS Transit’s extensive bus and rail network, which carries over 3 million passenger trips daily.


d. Additionally, these solutions can be exported internationally through SBS Transit’s global partner network, which includes parent organisation ComfortDelGro’s overseas subsidiaries in 12 countries, such as the United Kingdom, Australia, and Malaysia.


6. Secondly, MINNOVA provides a platform to gather ideas and expertise from various parts of our mobility ecosystem, which extends beyond startups, SMEs, and industry experts.


a. Young talents from our Institutes of Higher Learning can participate in design thinking workshops organised by SBS Transit and its partners.


b. Furthermore, they will be mentored by SBS Transit and its network of partners, such as the local company I.O.T. Workz. For instance, the toilet monitoring system NTU Student Kevin Tan developed under this mentorship programme is on display at MINNOVA today.


c. There will also be opportunities to invite suggestions from the public through Open Innovation Challenges to identify potential solutions for our local transportation system.


7. Thirdly, MINNOVA is a small but significant step in Singapore’s efforts to transform our enterprises and industries through Artificial Intelligence.


a. I am encouraged that SBS Transit has started adopting AI solutions early.


b. For example, SBS Transit and FingerDance, a National University of Singapore startup, have co-developed a Sign Language Virtual Assistant, SiLViA [pronounced “sill-vya”], capable of real-time translating spoken words or text into sign language. Using Generative (Gen) AI to facilitate communication, the partners aim to improve the commuting experience for passengers with hearing loss.


c. In addition, RSP Architects and PantheonLab are working together to develop AIVA [pronounced “eye-vah”], an AI Virtual Assistant that offers interactive and enhanced customer service. The goal is for AIVA to serve as a digital concierge at our bus interchanges and MRT stations and assist passengers with travel queries.


d. Moving quickly to seize opportunities from AI, SBS Transit is developing a robotic AI dog for trial to assist technicians with maintenance and inspection activities.


e. All these are excellent examples of how AI is being leveraged to meet commuters’ needs and build a more future-ready public transport system. We will see many more ways that Gen AI is used to boost transport and mobility.


f. SiLViA and AIVA are being showcased today, along with other mobility-related solutions, offering a peek into the future development of our public transport system. Do drop by the exhibits to see the exciting solutions.




8. Last but not least, I commend SBS Transit and EnterpriseSG for their close partnership. This is instrumental in promoting innovation in the transport industry. Such collaborations build on the numerous innovation initiatives the Government and sector introduced over the years, such as the Trade and Connectivity Challenge.


9. EnterpriseSG is expanding this Challenge into a wider Transport and Logistics innovation platform to improve industry capabilities and contribute to Singapore's status as a connectivity hub.


10. Congratulations once again to SBS Transit on the successful launch of MINNOVA. I urge representatives from academia, industry, startups, SMEs and our next generation of talent to join us in co-creating solutions. I am confident that our collective efforts will help us tackle today’s transport challenges, seize tomorrow’s mobility opportunities, and ensure Singapore remains a key mobility tech hub in Asia.


11. Thank you.

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