Speech by SMS Koh Poh Koon at the Singapore International Robo Expo

Speech by SMS Koh Poh Koon at the Singapore International Robo Expo


Mr Oliver Tian, President of the Singapore Industrial Automation Association

Mr Leck Chet Lam, Managing Director of Experia Events Pte Ltd

Professor Ang Wei Tech, Conference Chairman

Your Excellencies,

Distinguished Guests,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

1.            Good morning. It is my pleasure to join you today at the Singapore International Robo Expo (SIRE) 2017.

2.            The theme for SIRE 2017, “Optimising Solutions & Accelerating Transformation” is a relevant one in this period of rapid technological change, and even more so for Singapore, as we push ahead in our journey to be an innovation-driven, smart nation.  

Advancements in robotics as a driver of growth

3.            We are at the cusp of the next phase of industrial revolution, where traditional business models are being disrupted by technological advances in areas such as the Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, Data Analytics, and Robotics.

4.            Businesses worldwide are increasingly adopting robotics to improve productivity and increase competitiveness. Singapore is starting from a position of strength, with the number of industrial robots growing at a 20% Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) from 2010 to 2015. This compares to the global CAGR of 16% over the same period – based on statistics provided by the International Federation of Robotics (IFR).

5.            We will continue to invest in robotics technology and encourage its adoption, and the Government is committed to play our part. At Budget 2016, the Government has set aside $450 million under the National Robotics Programme (NRP) to catalyse public sector lead demand and promote the development and adoption of robotics in Singapore. This is on top of the $400 million Automation Support Package (ASP), which provides support grants for the introduction and scaling up of robotics and automation projects. 

Supporting the industry to deepen robotics capabilities

6.            The Government’s effort alone however is not enough, and we must partner with the industry to leverage on our collective strengths. On this, I am glad to note that we have achieved some early success in attracting more investments in robotics from top international companies as well as our local champions.

7.            Kawasaki recently launched its Robot Engineering Centre that focuses on the development and training of its latest dual arm collaborative robot “duARO”. Omron has also recently opened its latest global innovation centre here, as part of a S$13.5 million investment to develop robotics capabilities in Singapore over the next two years. In doing so, these two companies have joined two top global industrial robot Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs), Universal Robots and ABB, to deepen their robotics capabilities through Singapore. I am confident that their participation would help bring further depth, breadth, and critical mass to our robotics eco-system.

8.            I am also encouraged that our local enterprises are making strides in this area too. ST Engineering is making bold investments into developing its robotics capabilities. Earlier in April this year, the Company announced that it will develop autonomous vehicles and carry out trials in partnership with Land Transport Authority, the Ministry of Transport and the Sentosa Development Corporation. This was followed by the acquisition of US Robotics firm Aethon for S$49 million in July. I understand that ST Engineering will also be signing at this event an MOU with Starhub to collaborate on robotics solutions for the hospitality sector to help improve operational productivity and alleviate manpower constraints.

9.         More local SMEs are also moving into the development of robotics solutions. These include spin-offs from local institutes of higher learning (IHLs) and research institutions (RIs), as well as start-ups founded by industry professionals and traditional companies. ActiV Technology is one such SME that has ventured into robotics solutions with the setup of its subsidiary Otsaw Digital in 2015. With support from SPRING Singapore’s Capability Development Grant, Otsaw Digital started in-house development of security robots, which has since received considerable interest in Singapore and the Middle East. Another example is Avetics Global, a local start-up which develops Unmanned Aerial Systems to provide inspection services in the Marine and Offshore industry.

Partnering Trade Association & Chambers (TACs) to facilitate advancements and adoption of robotics in Singapore

10.       Besides enterprises, our TACs and unions are also key partners in our industry transformation efforts, leading sector level initiatives for the benefit of their members. One good example is the signing of MOUs between Singapore Industrial Automation Association (SIAA) and the Malaysia Robotics & Automation Society (MyRAS), the Vietnam Automation Services Association (VASSA), and the Institute of Field Robotics (FIBO) of Thailand, all of which are scheduled to take place during this event. The MOUs are designed to encourage and support the formation of a regional robotics ecosystem that will explore opportunities for collaboration between companies in Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam and Thailand. Indeed, innovation is at its best when we broaden the network and work together.

11.       I am also glad to note that SIAA and Experia Events are working with Action Community for Entrepreneurship (ACE), to nurture and promote start-ups in Robotics. Start-ups are engines of innovation and it is no different for Robotics. If Singapore is able to develop a vibrant ecosystem for robotics start-ups, we will be in a good position to gain a competitive edge in a high growth industry that thrives on new ideas and innovation. I would like to commend SIAA for your good effort, including the organisation of SIRE, and encourage you to continue pursuing such collaborations.   


12.       In closing, I would like to congratulate SIAA and Experia Events for the successful organisation of SIRE 2017. I hope this event will spark greater interest in exploring and embracing robotics among Singaporeans, industry partners and international participants alike. I am confident that if we continue to work closely together, we will be able to seize the opportunities ahead to secure a bright future for our economy. I wish you all a very fruitful time ahead at SIRE 2017. Thank you, and I now declare the Singapore International Robo Expo 2017, open!

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