Speech by SMS Sim Ann at the the SMART Women in Built Environment Conference 2017

Speech by SMS Sim Ann at the the SMART Women in Built Environment Conference 2017


Ms. Emily Tan, Organising Chairman, SMART Women in Built Environment Conference,

Mr. Chua Wee Phong, Chairman, Sphere Exhibits Pte Ltd,

Distinguished guests,

Ladies and gentlemen,

Good afternoon.

SMART Women in Built Environment Conference 2017

1.    It is my pleasure to join you today at the inaugural SMART Women in Built Environment Conference.  By SMART we mean Skilled, Motivated, Articulate, Resourceful, and Transformed.  Many of you here today are highly qualified women who fit this description, and have excelled in the Built Environment cluster of industries.  I am glad you are here today to share insights and best practices with one another.

2.    In an urban environment like Singapore, we only need to look around us to be reminded of the importance of good design and sound infrastructure.  The comfort and quality of our daily lives depend on the high standards that we uphold in the built environment where we live, work and play.

3.    Singapore’s distinctive skyline is the collective effort of generations of professionals in the Built Environment cluster, men and women alike.  Over decades, architects, consultants, engineers and builders have used their strong technical know-how and meticulous planning skills to design, build, and maintain Singapore’s urban landscape.  Thank you for your hard work.

Transformation in the Built Environment Cluster

4.    Like many other industries today, the industries in the Built Environment cluster are facing new challenges as well as opportunities.  The impetus for transformation is strong.  Cities around the world, including Singapore, face pressures of resource scarcity, climate change and population growth.  More than ever, we need innovative and sustainable solutions for urban living.

5.    At the same time, new technologies and evolving business models are fundamentally changing the way we design and deliver these solutions, opening the door to exciting new possibilities.  Take the Construction industry, for example.  I am sure you are familiar with some of the potentially game-changing technologies in this space.

·         One example is Design for Manufacturing and Assembly (DfMA), where prefabricated components are manufactured off-site.  These components are then assembled quickly at construction sites, thus increasing productivity.

·         Underpinning DfMA is the use of Building Information Modelling (BIM), which creates 3D models of building plans, and enables the accurate modelling of the precast and prefabricated building components required.

·         Such technologies can help to make construction sites much safer and less labour-intensive, increasing productivity and creating more good jobs for all Singaporeans.

6.    The Government is committed to working with the industry and other stakeholders to embrace and adapt to these new technologies and trends.  Through the Future Economy Council (FEC)’s Built Environment Sub-Committee, the Government works with businesses, unions, Institutes of Higher Learning, as well as Trade Associations and Chambers to drive industry transformation.  An example of this collaborative effort is the Construction Industry Transformation Map (ITM), which was launched by tripartite partners earlier this week.

7.    These efforts complement other initiatives that the Government is undertaking in partnership with industry.  This past week has seen another successful edition of the annual Singapore Construction Productivity Week (SCPW).  Organised by the Building Construction Authority of Singapore, and now in its 7th year, the SCPW facilitates the exchange of ideas, cutting-edge technologies and best practices in the sector.

8.    Industry-led efforts such as today’s Conference are equally important.  I am especially heartened that today’s Conference brings together talented professionals, who have worked in Singapore and around the world, to share your knowledge and experiences with one another, and to expand your professional networks.  As we strive to transform industries in the Built Environment cluster, we will need to tap on the expertise of professionals such as yourselves, and the communities of practice that you have formed.

Crucial Role of Women in this Transformation

9.    Women have an important role to play in this transformation effort, as leaders, experts and professionals.  As an integral part of our nation’s workforce, we will need women to continue contributing their ideas and efforts to drive transformation in the Built Environment cluster. 

10.  Across a wide spectrum of industries, women are coming together to support each other, form networks, exchange tips for success, and mentor younger women. I have been privileged to be at some of these platforms, and am always inspired by the generosity of spirit that motivates the women who organise and attend these events. Women can do well and make significant contributions in all fields of endeavour, including traditionally male-dominated sectors – but this will happen sooner if we support each other. I wish to commend the organisers of today’s forum for taking the lead for women in the built environment cluster.

11.  Many of you here today are highly respected in your fields and are leaders in the Built Environment cluster, including our speakers and panellists for the day.  I would like to highlight a couple:

·         Ms. Serena Yap, Technical Director, Aurecon Singapore, has over 32 years of engineering experience in construction projects in Singapore and around Asia, and is currently working on NTU Academic Building South, one of the world’s largest timber building projects.

·         Ms. Finn Tay, Director of the New Estates Division 1 in JTC, has overseen the development and piloting of innovative solutions in new industrial estates, such as in the upcoming Jurong Innovation District, with the goal of implementing successful solutions throughout the rest of Singapore.

12. We need more women like Ms. Yap, Ms. Tay and many others to help lead and drive our transformation efforts in the Built Environment cluster.  I believe that today’s Conference will have planted the seed of motivation for more young women to press on in their areas of specialisation within the built environment cluster, thrive and excel. The collective efforts of the organisers will also help the Built Environment cluster adapt and transform into a future-ready sector. I look forward to future editions of this Conference!


13.  I wish everyone here continued success and a wonderful day. Thank you.

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