Speech by SPS Low Yen Ling at the opening ceremony of the OPEC seminar 2017

Speech by SPS Low Yen Ling at the opening ceremony of the OPEC seminar 2017


Mr. Karthikeyan, Vice President, National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) & Chairman of NTUC OPEC Cluster

Mr Gilbert Tan, Assistant Director General, NTUC & Chief Executive Officer, e2i

Management partners and union leaders, 

Distinguished guests, 

Ladies and Gentlemen, 

Good morning.  


1. I am pleased to join you today for this seminar as we examine the “Future of Energy and Chemicals” – the theme today. We will also kickstart the inaugural OPEC month, which features a Career Fair, a symposium as well as a series of master classes and workshops. These programmes will provide opportunities for the industry to stay updated with the latest trends, and equip our people with the relevant skillsets. 
2. This event is made possible through the close cooperation of e2i and NTUC, together with support from the Economic Development Board (EDB), Singapore Polytechnic, SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) and the sector. It is a good example of how our stakeholders are working closely together to benefit the industry. This spirit of partnership is also well embodied in the Committee on the Future Economy (CFE) recommendations. 

We are committed to prepare our manufacturing sector, including the Energy & Chemicals industry, for the future.

3. The advent of advanced manufacturing technologies, such as additive manufacturing, the Industrial Internet-of-Things (IoT) and robotics, is changing the way products are created, as well as how supply chains are managed and how value chains are being defined globally.

4. Manufacturing is a key pillar of Singapore’s economy, and the Energy & Chemicals industry remains an important contributor to our manufacturing sector.  For instance, the Energy & Chemicals industry contributed about a fifth of Singapore’s manufacturing value added in 2016, and employed around 25,000 people. 

5. We are committed to position our manufacturing sector, including the Energy & Chemicals industry, for these technological developments. The CFE has also identified advanced manufacturing as one of the focal areas of growth for Singapore, and recommended that we build a globally competitive manufacturing sector at around 20% of GDP over the medium term.

6. To position our Energy & Chemicals industry well for the future, government agencies, unions, industry partners, and Trade Associations and Chambers (TACs) are working closely together to develop and implement the Industry Transformation Map (ITM) for this industry. Mr. Damian Chan, my colleague from EDB, will be sharing more details shortly.

We will prepare our people for future opportunities in the Energy & Chemicals industry.

7. As we transform and grow our Energy & Chemicals industry, new job opportunities will be created. For instance, there will be increasing demand for R&D talent as we look to further develop our specialty chemicals capabilities.  We will continue to equip our workforce with the requisite skills so that they are well prepared for the future.  For example, EDB, SSG and Workforce Singapore (WSG) are co-developing a Skills Framework for the Energy & Chemicals industry. This framework will enable individuals to make informed learning, training and career choices, with up-to-date information on the industry and manpower landscape. It also helps to identify potential career pathways and updates, as well as relevant learning and training programmes. 

8. To complement the Skills Framework, SSG is working closely with public and private training partners to develop advanced manufacturing skills packages. These include short, modular, industry-relevant programmes to equip our workforce with the technical and digital skills to tap new job opportunities. In addition, three SkillsFuture Earn and Learn Programmes targeted at Polytechnic and ITE graduates have been launched for the Energy & Chemicals industry. Till date, there have been 47 placements for process technician and laboratory analyst job roles across 12 companies.

9. We have also developed Professional Conversion Programmes (PCPs) under our Adapt & Grow initiative. PCPs support Professionals, Managers, Executives and Technicians (PMETs), including mid-career switchers, to undergo skills conversion and move into new occupations or sectors that have good prospects and progression opportunities. Job seekers can tap on PCPs for skills training, while participating companies can enjoy wage and training subsidies when hiring these workers.  

10. Unions are crucial partners in our industry transformation efforts.  On this note, I am pleased to share that more than 130 companies from Chemical Industries Employees’ Union (CIEU) and United Workers of Petroleum Industry (UWPI) have been granted in-principle approval by e2i for the OPEC Energy and Chemical Manufacturing PCPs. These PCPs will help PMETs and mid-career switchers acquire the necessary skillsets and competencies to enter industries under the OPEC Cluster.  We encourage more companies to come on board. 

11. Mr. Muhammad Norshafiq Bin Mohammad Sairi is an example of an individual who has benefited from PCP. After completing his Nitec in Chemical Process Technology, Mr. Muhammad Norshafiq joined Stolthaven Singapore Pte Ltd, a global provider of storage and distribution services for chemical, petroleum and gas products, as a trainee operator.  Following his completion of the PCP, Mr. Muhammad Norshafiq was promoted to the role of a terminal operator. He plays an important part in ensuring that the Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) received from vessels and pipelines are pumped to the process plant at the correct pressure. Mr. Muhammad Norshafiq also works in the control room, where he oversees and ensures the smooth operation of the plant processes.   

12. We will continue to partner the industry and unions to support individuals as they deepen their skills and build successful careers in the Energy & Chemicals industry.


13. To conclude, this OPEC event is a wonderful example of how stakeholders can work closely together to benefit our industry and people. This spirit of partnership is integral to our efforts to transform and grow our economy. 

14. It is my pleasure to launch the inaugural OPEC month. I wish everyone a productive and enjoyable event.  Thank you.
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