Speech by Minister S Iswaran at the opening ceremony of the 2017 Institute of Electronic and Electrical Engineers (IEEE) International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)

Speech by Minister S Iswaran at the opening ceremony of the 2017 Institute of Electronic and Electrical Engineers (IEEE) International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)


Professor Satoshi Tadokoro, President, IEEE Robotics and Automation Society

Professor Chen I Ming, General Chairman, ICRA 2017

Distinguished Guests,

Ladies and Gentlemen,


1.            A very good morning.  I am pleased to join you today for the opening of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA).  ICRA 2017 marks the 34th run of this international conference, bringing together global public and private sector leaders in robotics and automation, to discuss the latest research, technological and policy trends in this exciting field.

Robotics and Automation Are Key Areas of Focus, Both as a Potential New Growth Area, and as Enablers to Help Our Enterprises Adopt Advanced Manufacturing Processes to Increase Productivity

2.            We live in an era where technological advances are rapidly disrupting traditional business models. Robotics and automation technology have brought about fundamental changes in industries. Merrill Lynch estimates that in the next 10 years, the proportion of the world’s manufacturing tasks that are automated would grow to 45% from the current 10%.  The Robotics and Artificial Intelligence industry is also expected to grow from $28 billion to $150 billion by 2020[1].

3.            Businesses worldwide are looking to leverage robotics for cost savings and improved efficiency in production.  It is therefore not surprising that, according to the International Federation of Robotics (IFR), the number of industrial robots in the world grew by a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 16%, from 2010 to 2015.  By 2019, 1.4 million industrial robots are expected be installed in factories around the world.[2]

4.            Singapore has a good track record in the adoption of robotics.  The number of industrial robots in Singapore grew by a CAGR of 20% from 2010 to 2015, outstripping the global CAGR of 16% indicated by the IFR.  Local companies are making significant strides not just in adoption but also in technology development.  Sankei Eagle, a local aerospace supplier, collaborated with A*STAR’s Advanced Remanufacturing Technology Centre (ARTC) to develop a machine that could automate the process of applying coatings to selected areas in aerospace components.  This process, known as masking, previously required intensive manpower and effort as selected areas were marked out manually using masking tape.  The automated solution halved the time needed for this process, by applying a specific gel-like protective coating to selected areas with higher precision, translating to significant manpower and cost savings.

5.            Singapore is well-placed to continue driving growth in the adoption and development of robotics and automation solutions.  We are home to the regional hubs of two top global industrial robot Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs), Universal Robots’ Asia Pacific HQ, and ABB’s Regional Robotics Packaging Application Hub.  We also have a strong base of robotics and automation R&D performers and system integrators.  A*STAR’s Industrial Robotics Programme, for instance, has brought together the robotics research community from NUS, NTU, SUTD and A*STAR Research Institutes to advance robotics solutions for industry partners, including Sembcorp Marine and Spiral Marine.

Government Initiatives such as the National Robotics Programme (NRP) Underscore Our Concerted National Efforts to Bring Together Public Agencies and Companies, to Develop a Vibrant Robotics and Automation Ecosystem

6.            The Government is committed to supporting robotics R&D and adoption.  Last year, we announced the launch of the National Robotics Programme (NRP) to drive strategic research, end-to-end development, test-bedding and deployment of robotics and automation solutions.  The NRP is a key programme under the $19 billion Research, Innovation and Enterprise 2020 (RIE2020) plan to support research and technology development from FY16 to FY20.  

7.            The NRP aims to accelerate public sector lead demand in robotics, solve national needs and build robotics R&D capacity.  Under the NRP, we established the Centre for Healthcare Assistive and Robotics Technology (CHART) to drive innovation and deployment of new healthcare robotics solutions, in partnership with technology providers and industry players.  Since CHART’s launch, it has worked on more than 20 projects in healthcare robotics together with more than 30 organisations from Singapore, Japan, South Korea and the United States.  These projects aim to develop and adapt devices with the objective of benefitting our healthcare workers, patients and caregivers.  Building on this journey, the Ministry of Health, in collaboration with the NRP and the Government Technology Agency, will support the development of a Standardised Healthcare Robotics Middleware, to enable robotic and medical systems to be interoperable and integrated as a platform for our Smart Health systems.

8.            In addition, there is significant potential for government agencies to drive industry innovation through procurement opportunities.  To better drive innovation among SMEs and start-ups, SPRING is working with government agencies under the enhanced Partnerships for Capability Transformation (PACT) through Government Lead Demand programme, also known as GOV-PACT.  GOV-PACT aims to remove roadblocks faced by SMEs and start-ups in securing procurement contracts after investing time and resources to co-develop new solutions with government lead demand agencies. 

9.            Today, I am pleased to announce that JTC, the lead government agency responsible for the development of industrial infrastructure and the Centre of Excellence for Building and Infrastructure, is launching its third open innovation call, to invite proposals in robotics and automation with the potential to improve construction productivity and safety, security, facilities management, and industrial goods movement.  The call will be supported by GOV-PACT.  This will help SMEs and start-ups in the development and test-bedding of innovative solutions in these areas, and more importantly, help companies to build their track record with JTC as a valuable reference customer.

10.         To facilitate robotics and automation innovation in the private sector, Singapore established the Robot Operating System (ROS)[3] - Industrial Asia Pacific Consortium last month.  The consortium brings solutions providers and end-users together to solve industry challenges on a common open source robotics platform.  It will connect Singapore to the global ROS community, allowing us to be an active contributor in ROS development, help develop a strong talent pool in robotics software, and support the growth of robotics start-ups through the proliferation of ROS.


11.         To fully reap the benefits of robotics and automation technologies, it is vital that the government, industry, and research community continue to work closely together to push the frontiers of technological possibilities and build the linkages in the ecosystem to drive adoption by companies as well as public agencies.

12.         I understand that we have almost 2,500 participants at the conference today, hailing from 57 countries.  This is an excellent opportunity to exchange innovative ideas, explore new collaborations and strengthen partnerships. 

13.         I wish you a fruitful and rewarding conference.  Thank you.

[3] Robot Operating System (ROS) is an open source hardware agnostic software development platform for robotics.

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