Speech by Minister S Iswaran at the Official Opening of Tanglin Trust School’s Nixon Building at Tanglin Trust School

Speech by Minister S Iswaran at the Official Opening of Tanglin Trust School’s Nixon Building at Tanglin Trust School

Mr Peter Derby-Crook, CEO, Tanglin Trust School

Mr Jonathan Michael Ellis Robinson, Chair of the Board of Governors, Tanglin Trust School (since July 2016)

Mr Dominic Nixon, Chair of the Board of Governors, Tanglin Trust School (between 2005 and 2016)

Distinguished Guests,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Good evening.


1.         My wife, Kay, and I are delighted to join you today to celebrate the official opening of Tanglin Trust School (TTS)’s Nixon Building.  I understand that the Nixon Building is the first stage of TTS’s masterplan to redevelop this site.  The building will consolidate the school’s corporate offices from the existing campus, as well as provide additional social and learning spaces.

2.         The name of this new building is also a tribute to the contributions of Mr. Dominic Nixon, the retiring Chairman of the Board of Governors.  Mr. Nixon has held this position for over 10 years, and the success of TTS is a testament to his leadership and guidance.  I join the School’s community in thanking Mr Nixon for his service to TTS and to the foreign school system in Singapore.

Foreign system schools are an important part of Singapore’s ecosystem and augment our character as a global city

3.         Over the past five decades, we have established Singapore as a global city in Asia.  This effort has been built on our strategic geographic location in Asia, our connectivity to the regional and global economy, and our ability to facilitate the global movement of goods, services, capital and talent.    The Committee on the Future Economy (CFE) seeks to develop economic strategies that will reinforce Singapore’s value proposition as a leading global city in the years ahead, against the backdrop of shifts in global markets, technological advancements, and a rising Asia. 

4.         Foreign system schools (FSS), such as TTS, form an important part of Singapore’s ecosystem and are integral to this effort.  They are at the nexus between Singapore and the world.  FSS help to meet the diverse educational needs of the children of international executives in Singapore, and augment Singapore’s attractiveness as an operating base and investment destination for global companies.  FSS also add to the vibrancy of our local population and businesses, as exemplified by TTS’s dynamic and youthful presence in the one-north community. 

5.         The role of such FSS and their international character takes on added significance against the backdrop of some of the recent rhetoric we have heard against globalisation and closer links between countries and economies.  The nature of the challenges faced by the global community impels a coordinated global response.  Be it concerns over the environment, healthcare, security or the economy, the solutions lie in a closer collaboration between nations and a coordinated response, and not in forging separate pathways.  It is underpinned by a profound recognition of the fact that our destinies and fortunes are more intertwined than ever and we must collectively forge a shared future.  That instinct must be nurtured from young and international schools like TTS have an important role in that regard.  

TTS is active in its collaborations and interactions with local companies and organisations

6.         TTS has been active in its collaborations and interactions with the companies and organisations in Singapore.  For instance, creative experts from Disney and Lucasfilm, located at the nearby Sandcrawler Building, have visited TTS to share their latest technologies.  TTS’s students in business studies are also collaborating on a project with Disney to improve the waiting room experience at the National University Hospital (NUH).

TTS is also an active participant in the local community and strong supporter of JTC’s place-making initiatives in one-north

7.         I was also pleased to learn that TTS has been an active participant in the local community, and a strong supporter of JTC’s place-making initiatives in one-north.  For instance, TTS’s students gave a musical performance in Biopolis in June 2016, as part of JTC’s fortnightly place-making event “Fantastic Fridays @ one-north”, and will be performing again for Christmas.  TTS also started a new initiative with NUH where its students will be singing in the hospital wards on a regular basis as part of giving back to the community.  


8.         It is clear that TTS and other FSS form an important part of Singapore’s ecosystem, augmenting our character as a global city.  I am confident that TTS will continue to thrive in the growing and dynamic community of one-north.

9.         My congratulations to TTS on the opening of this new building, and I wish the team at TTS every success.  Thank you.

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