Speech by Minister Lim Hng Kiang at 3M Singapore 50th Anniversary Dinner

Speech by Minister Lim Hng Kiang at 3M Singapore 50th Anniversary Dinner


Mr. H C Shin, Executive Vice President, International Operations, 3M,

Dr. Koen Wilms, Vice President, Asia, 3M,

Dr. Joe Liu, Vice President, Southeast Asia, 3M,

Mr. Arthur Fong, Managing Director, 3M Singapore,

Distinguished guests, 

Ladies and gentlemen, 

Good evening. 


           I am pleased to join you today to celebrate 3M’s 50th anniversary in Singapore.  Congratulations to the 3M Singapore team on this momentous occasion, which marks the successful partnership 3M and Singapore have enjoyed.

Long standing and successful partnership between 3M and Singapore

2        3M and Singapore have enjoyed a long standing partnership which began 50 years ago in 1966, when 3M Singapore was founded in a rented office in Trafalgar Street with a team of eight employees.  Since its humble beginnings, 3M’s operations in Singapore have grown to currently over 1,500 employees.  3M has invested in two major production facilities in Woodlands and Tuas, established its headquarters and regional supply chain centre of excellence, as well as built up deep R&D capabilities in applications development and thematic areas.

3        I am also pleased to learn that 3M celebrated the expansion ceremony for its Tuas Plant Building 2 earlier today.  This marks yet another milestone in the successful collaboration between 3M and Singapore.

4        The expansion will see 3M implement state-of-the-art technology and proprietary manufacturing processes at the Tuas plant, making Singapore its first site in Asia to employ these advanced technologies.

5        I understand that with these new technologies, the Tuas plant will be able to manufacture multiple product platforms in the electronics, automotive and healthcare sectors.  For example, Singapore will be manufacturing enhancement and protection films for electronic display applications, which is one of 3M’s most advanced product lines globally.

6        This $135 million dollar investment will also reinforce Singapore’s role as 3M’s “Supply Chain Superhub” for the Asia Pacific region, delivering high value products to the region’s industrial sectors and consumers.

Manufacturing remains a key pillar of Singapore’s economy, and our investments in advanced manufacturing will better position our manufacturing sector for the future

7        3M’s latest plant expansion attests to the continued attractiveness of Singapore as a location for high value-added manufacturing activities.  Manufacturing remains a key pillar of Singapore’s economy, contributing nearly 20% of our GDP in 2015.

8      To partner companies like 3M in high value manufacturing, we will continue to invest in advanced manufacturing capabilities to maintain the competitiveness of Singapore’s manufacturing sector. 

9        With the rise of new production technologies such as additive manufacturing, the government has committed around $3 billion over the next five years to support the development of capabilities in Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering (AME) as part of our Research, Innovation and Enterprise (RIE) 2020 plan.

10      We have also introduced a $400 million Automation Support Package over the next three years to help companies adopt technology and automation.

11      These are strategic investments to prepare Singapore’s manufacturing sector for the future.  Advanced Manufacturing is also one of the key growth sectors we are exploring under the Committee on the Future Economy (CFE).

Innovation plays an important role in helping companies meet the unique needs of the Asian market

12      With the rise of Asian megacities and growing affluence, customers in Asia are demanding more sophisticated goods and services.  In line with these trends, companies are looking to develop new applications and formulations to better serve their customers in the region.

13      To complement our manufacturing capabilities, Singapore will continue to partner industry to build up innovation activities to address the diverse needs of the Asian market.  For example, 3M has set up a Smart Urban solutions lab in Singapore.  This laboratory has successfully developed an energy efficient lighting system that was showcased at the recent World Cities Summit.

14      Companies can also look to Singapore’s research ecosystem to develop solutions for Asia through public-private partnerships.  For example, the P&G-A*STAR Master Research Collaboration (MRCA) aims to accelerate innovation by combining P&G’s deep consumer understanding with A*STAR’s expertise in multi-disciplinary sciences.  The agreement covers partnerships with Singapore’s larger research community such as our universities and public hospitals, and will generate up to S$60 million in joint funding.

15      The co-location of manufacturing and R&D is becoming increasingly important to companies as they seek faster access to markets and quicker response to the changing demands of consumers.  Companies like 3M, which have co-located their manufacturing and R&D activities in Singapore, benefit from the deeper collaboration between production and research, and are able to shorten the commercialisation process for new products and services.

3M has contributed actively to growing the local community

16      Besides expanding its footprint in Singapore, 3M is an active and valuable member of our business community.  3M’s Innovation Outreach Programme allows its employees to share their experiences in building an innovative ecosystem with local SMEs, schools and government agencies.  Since 2007, 3M has also been promoting Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) and innovation under its Science Outreach Programme in schools through workshops, talks and employee mentorship schemes.  To date, more than 6,300 students and 600 volunteers from 3M have participated in the programme.

17      3M also has close relationships with local suppliers and enterprises.  For example, 3M shared its expertise in product and sales training as well as strategic business planning to help Hy-Ray Pte Ltd, a local wholesaler for consumer products, to expand its business.  This partnership of about 35 years continues to grow as 3M is currently helping Hy-Ray to optimise its warehousing processes to meet the needs of the future.

18      Such collaboration between industry stakeholders, public research institutions, trade associations and chambers, and unions is a key theme in our industry transformation efforts. 


19      In conclusion, I would like to congratulate 3M on your Golden Jubilee.  Thank you for your contributions to Singapore over the past 50 years.  I am confident that Singapore’s partnership with 3M will continue to grow from strength to strength in the years ahead.  Thank you.

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