Speech by SMS Lee Yi Shyan at the Opening Ceremony of BASF’s Learning Campus at Rochester Park

Speech by SMS Lee Yi Shyan at the Opening Ceremony of BASF’s Learning Campus at Rochester Park

His Excellency Michael Witter, German Ambassador to Singapore,
Dr Martin Brudermüller, Vice Chairman of the Board, BASF,
Distinguished guests,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Good morning.
BASF and Singapore first started our partnership in 1978, when BASF set up its South East Asia headquarters here.  It gives me great pleasure to join you this morning in marking another milestone in this longstanding partnership.  I would like to extend my warmest congratulations to Dr Brudermüller and the BASF team on the opening of your Learning Campus in Singapore.  Talent is a key differentiating factor in the modern economy, and this endeavour is important in enabling BASF to tap on the many opportunities in Asia.
A Focus on Future Skills is Important to Train Successful Corporate Leaders with Good Understanding of Asia
BASF’s Learning Campus sits well within Singapore’s drive to develop globally-relevant talent equipped with skills for the future.  Following the recommendations of our Continuing Education and Training (CET) Masterplan 2020 as well as the Applied Study in Polytechnics and ITE Review, or ASPIRE, we recently formed a high-level SkillsFuture Council comprising industry representatives, academics, union, and government leaders.  The Council will develop an integrated system of education, training and career progression – to promote industry support for individuals to advance based on mastery of skills, and foster a culture of lifelong learning at all levels of employment. 
Such continued talent development is critical for companies seeking to thrive amongst the growth opportunities in Asia.  Top corporate leaders need to have a deep understanding of the wide range of cultures, languages, religions and ways of life in Asia.  This will give them an advantage in anticipating consumer demands, and in reaching out to a diverse and growing customer base.  For subject matter experts, specialist training in core skills is equally important, to develop deep mastery and rich experience that can be turned into a competitive advantage over time.
BASF’s Learning Campus shares the same spirit as our SkillsFuture Efforts to Meet Industry Needs
BASF’s Learning Campus is a good example of how companies are seeking to inculcate such awareness in their corporate leaders through hosting leadership development programmes with an Asian focus.  We are pleased that BASF has chosen Singapore as your location of choice for your new Learning Campus.  This decision affirms BASF’s assessment of Singapore as its Home for Talent – a place to attract, manage, and deploy global talent to meet your needs for Asia.    
The Learning Campus also enriches our Leadership Initiatives, Networks, Knowledge or LINK ecosystem, which aims to co-locate research, practice and teaching institutions from the region and around the world.  For talent development efforts to be effective, there needs to be a close nexus with business activities.  It should therefore come as no surprise that the physical manifestation of the LINK ecosystem, LINK@one-north, is embedded within the 200-hectare one-north business district, to bring together supply-side players such as business schools, human capital consultancies and think-tanks to support the leadership training and development needs of companies.  Today we mark the opening of the next phase of LINK@one-north’s development, with the launch of BASF's Learning Campus as the first tenant of Rochester 20. BASF’s Learning Campus will add to the vibrancy of our Biopolis and Fusionopolis research hubs within the larger one-north development, as well as to the work of existing corporate universities here
Talent Development enables Career Progression based on Mastery and Skills, and opens up Good Career Opportunities
While pre-employment training is a key part of talent development, continuing education and training (CET) is crucial in attaining skills mastery and ensuring that skills remain up-to-date.  In this respect, employers play a key role in investing in CET to develop their workers.  Private sector efforts such as BASF’s Learning Campus are therefore critical in fostering widespread support for a culture of lifelong learning and support for employees in their effort to achieve mastery of their skills, thereby laying out a stable career progression track. 
The success of our efforts to develop a highly-talented workforce, and create good career opportunities for Singaporeans, can be seen right here in BASF, at all job levels.  Today, BASF has three Singaporean senior executives in the Asia Pacific, including vice-presidents, and yet another 15 employees deployed overseas on various assignments.  This trend is not limited to BASF, and applies to many other companies in Singapore.
I am greatly heartened by BASF’s decision to locate your Learning Campus in Singapore.  It is a strong demonstration of your commitment to partner with Singapore in developing talent here.  Let me end by once again extending my congratulations to BASF on today’s milestone.  We look forward to sustaining this successful partnership with BASF to prepare Singaporeans for the future. 
Thank you.
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