Mr Lim Hng Kiang at 13th ASEAN Food Conference

Mr Lim Hng Kiang at 13th ASEAN Food Conference

Meeting Future Food Demands: Security & Sustainability”
Professor Pingfan Rao, President of the International Union of Food Science and Technology,
Dr Makarim Wibisono, Executive Director of the ASEAN Foundation,
Mr Koh Boon Liang, President of the Federation of Institutes of Food Science & Technology in ASEAN and Singapore Institute of Food Science & Technology,
Mrs Ser-Low Wai Ming, Organising Chairperson, 13th ASEAN Food Conference,
Distinguished Guests,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Good morning
1.              I am pleased to join you at the 13th ASEAN Food Conference. A warm welcome to our ASEAN and international guests who are joining us for the Conference over the next few days.
2.              Despite the slow pick-up in Europe and some uncertainty regarding a possible slow-down in China, growth prospects in ASEAN remain good.  Overall, ASEAN has performed well, with the economy growing by 5.6 per cent in 2012 to US$2 trillion, up from 4.7 per cent in 2011.
3.              Our collective vision of establishing the ASEAN Economic Community with a single market and production base by 2015 will put us on a higher growth trajectory. The single market would open up new opportunities for businesses and citizens of ASEAN member states, allowing goods to flow freely and seamlessly within a market that has a population of over 600 million people.  
Science & Technology is a key enabler for ASEAN economic growth 
4.              ASEAN leaders have long recognised that Science & Technology is a key factor in sustaining economic growth and promoting integration within ASEAN. Since 1978, the ASEAN Committee on Science and Technology (COST) has been leading efforts to promote regional cooperation and mutual assistance in research and development.  
5.              ASEAN COST has identified food science and technology as a key area of cooperation. Development of a Functional Food Roadmap is in progress. This will chart the necessary scientific competencies to be developed to sustain the development of functional foods in the region. Under the COST umbrella, the ASEAN Sub-committee on Food Science and Technology (ASCFST) will establish the functional food research network based on the results of this Roadmap. This will allow researchers from our member states and dialogue partners to freely share experiences and knowledge, and collectively level up regional capabilities across ASEAN region.
Emerging Opportunities and Challenges for the ASEAN Food Industry
6.              Asia’s economic growth has created promising opportunities for ASEAN food companies. The growing number of middle-class consumers in ASEAN and in Asia, in pursuit of health and wellness, will lead to significant demand for food and nutrition, especially in functional foods. We are already seeing signs of this trend. Between 2002 and 2011, the Asian functional foods and health claims market saw a 40 per cent growth. By 2014, the global market for functional foods will likely grow by another 20 per cent to S$38 billion. To tap on these emerging opportunities, ASEAN’s food industry players will need to understand the unique needs of Asian consumers and cater to their changing preferences and nutritional needs.
7.               At the same time, recent international food scares have sharply focused consumers’ attention on the safety of their food sources. Regional food companies will need to strengthen their supply chains to ensure food safety while meeting the challenge of keeping prices competitive against a backdrop of increasing feedstock, production and distribution costs.
Strong public sector capabilities in food research will help industry take full advantage of emerging opportunities while mitigating challenges
8.              A strong base of public sector capabilities in food-related technologies is necessary to enable regional food companies to benefit from regional and global market trends while meeting the food safety and sustainability needs of ASEAN Member States. With this in mind, the ASEAN Integrated Food Security Framework and Strategic Plan of Action on Food Security in the ASEAN Region were adopted in 2009 to oversee long term regional food security. These plans call for a comprehensive regional R&D plan, through public-private sector partnership, to promote sustainable food production and encourage greater investment in the food industry.  
9.              On the domestic front, Singapore has initiated food-related R&D initiatives to help our companies develop new products to capture emerging Asian food markets. Let me share a few examples here. On the upstream end, research is being undertaken to understand the nutritional impact of the Asian diet on Asian biology. This work is being carried out by the Clinical Nutrition Research Centre, a joint initiative between A*STAR, the National University Health System and the National University of Singapore.
10.          Nanyang Technological University (NTU) will be partnering Holland’s Wageningen University, one of the world’s leading food research centres, to conduct research into projects such as the conversion of agricultural raw materials into high-value food ingredients, as well as sustainable food production including conversion of waste to food supplements. Such research also aims to establish a deeper understanding of the link between food products and their effects on health.
11.          Apart from supporting food-related research, Singapore has also launched a national initiative to build up capabilities in the local food industry. The Singapore Workforce Development Agency (WDA) is working with the major stakeholders in the food industry such as regulatory bodies, food safety experts and manufacturers to develop a food science specialisation track under the Singapore Workforce Skills Qualifications framework for the Process Industry (Process WSQ). This effort will help to support industry efforts to raise food safety standards, encourage innovation, boost workplace productivity and enhance Singapore's reputation as a high-quality food manufacturing location.  
ASEAN members need to collaborate closely to develop the regulatory framework and infrastructure which underpin food sustainability and safety
12.          To ensure that the regulatory framework within ASEAN is conducive to the growth of our companies, ASEAN national food associations launched the ASEAN Food and Beverage Alliance (AFBA) earlier this year, bringing together policymakers and industry representatives to harmonise ASEAN certification procedures for ingredients, contamination limits and nutrition labelling.
13.          In addition, Singapore’s Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority (AVA) has been collaborating with our ASEAN counterparts to improve both the regulatory framework and testing capabilities in the region. AVA’s Veterinary Public Health Laboratory has been actively involved in harmonizing the pesticide Maximum Residue Limits in ASEAN-grown crops and in coordinating the ASEAN network of genetically modified Food Testing Laboratories. AVA has also been closely involved in the efforts of the ASEAN Consultative Committee on Standards and Quality (ACCSQ) Prepared Foodstuff Product Working Group (PFPWG).
14.          With continued close coordination amongst the ASEAN Member States, I am confident that we will be able to build a secure, sustainable and resilient ASEAN food industry.
15.          Ladies and Gentlemen, we have with us here today not just government, industry and academic representatives from ASEAN, but also guests from Asia Pacific, Europe and North America. This underscores the importance of international collaboration in the development and production of food products, and ensuring food sustainability and security for our people. I encourage everyone to take this unique opportunity to network and foster new partnerships, to collectively work towards a more sustainable future in food.
16.          On this note, I wish everyone a fruitful conference and an enjoyable stay in Singapore. Thank you.
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