Mr Lim Hng Kiang at the WSQ Joint Graduation Ceremony

Mr Lim Hng Kiang at the WSQ Joint Graduation Ceremony


Ms Jennie Chua, President and CEO of The Ascott Group and Chairman of the Tourism Industry Skills and Training Council

Mr Douglas Foo, Chairman and CEO of Apex- Pal International and Chairman of the Food and Beverage Industry Skills and Training Council

Distinguished Guests

WSQ Graduates and Family Members

Ladies and Gentlemen

It gives me great pleasure to be here today for the Workforce Skills Qualification Joint Graduation Ceremony for the Tourism and Food and Beverage sectors.

This ceremony signifies the beginning of an exciting career journey for the WSQ graduates in the two sectors. Many of you have been working hard over the past year, balancing your training courses with family and work commitments. I would like to congratulate you for successfully attaining the WSQ qualifications.

Short Term Challenges; Longer Term Prospects

As many of you already know, 2009 will be a challenging year for Singapore. The slowdown in major economies such as the US, Europe and Japan has adversely affected many of our businesses. The tourism sector has not been spared. The Singapore Tourism Board (STB) forecasts total visitor arrivals of between 9 to 9.5 million for 2009, a year-on-year decline of 6% to 11%. Total tourism receipts generated are also expected to fall between 15 to 18% to $12 to $12.5 billion.

The immediate difficulties notwithstanding, Singapore’s tourism sector’s longer term prospects remain bright. We have a strong pipeline of new tourism investments coming on stream over the next few years. They include the Integrated Resorts, International Cruise Terminal and the River Safari. In addition, major events such as the Youth Olympics are expected to bring in large numbers of visitors.

Seizing Career Opportunities in Tourism and F&B through Training

To promote tourism as an attractive career option and prepare Singaporeans for a career in tourism and related sectors, WDA, together with STB, SPRING and NTUC have developed a number of job facilitation, training and accreditation schemes.

To map out the skills and competencies needed for the sectors, we have tapped on industry-led skills and training councils. Ms Jennie Chua and Mr Douglas Foo chair two of them. With the guidance of these councils, WDA has developed Workforce Skills Qualifications standards for key sectors. It has also funded the development of Continuing Education and Training (CET) Centres such as the Ascott Centre for Excellence, Tourism Management Institute of Singapore, University of Nevada Las Vegas as well as the At-SunriceGlobalChefAcademy. These CET Centres offer WSQ training programmes to help workers acquire not just knowledge and skills, but also practical experience.

Take for example the Professional Conversion Programme for Attractions offered jointly by the Tourism Management Institute of Singapore and the Sentosa Leisure Group. Through this 12-month programme, trainees can pursue a WSQ Diploma in Tourism while being put through different job attachments at Sentosa. Through these attachments, they get to better understand the wide spectrum of demands of working in the Tourism industry

Such WSQ programmes provide an advantage to workers seeking employment in a tight labour market. Mr Danaraj s/o Raja used to work in the logistics sector as a wharf operations supervisor. He left his job in 2005. For over a year, Mr Danaraj remained unemployed until he enrolled himself for the WSQ Diploma in Culinary Arts offered by at-Sunrice. The WSQ qualification he received allowed him to embark on a new career in F&B working at One Rochester.

WSQ programmes also provide workers with upgrading and career pathways. For instance, the WSQ Diplomas offered by UNLV enjoy articulation with its degree courses. Graduates from the WSQ Diploma programmes receive credit exemptions from UNLV and are able to complete the Bachelor of Science degree in Hotel Administration on an accelerated pathway.

Industry Support for WSQ

Besides benefiting workers, WSQ training has also helped companies build capability and raise industry standards. The Park Hotel Group for example has sent close to 100 of its staff for WSQ training which has been customised for them at the Ascott Centre for Excellence. Such training will strengthen the competency of their workforce and raise their service standards

I am happy to note that more than 30,000 local workers from the Tourism and F&B industry have benefited from WSQ training, because the workers themselves or their employers have invested in their skills upgrading.

I am also happy to learn that both workers and employers have found relevance in the training. Take for example, Ms Norhafizah Abdul Khaliff, a guest service supervisor at Somerset Serviced Residence. Previously a bank teller, she switched to her current job which gives her a chance to interact with guests from all over the world. Through the WSQ training in Hotel & Accommodation Services (Front Office), she was able to apply techniques learnt to meet guests’ expectations .


Ladies and Gentlemen, the road ahead for the Singapore economy in 2009 is expected to be a bumpy one. How quickly we rebound from this downturn will depend on how quickly we can respond to the changing business environment and adapt to meet new needs as they arise. Both companies and individuals will need to be pro-active in seeking out these new opportunities and preparing for them.

To the WSQ graduates here today, your attitude towards lifelong learning and skills advancement is most commendable. I know that it has been a very challenging learning journey for some of you to pick up formal training in a totally new field of study. Seeing you on-stage this evening is sheer proof that your perseverance and openness to continuing education and training have paid off, and created a whole new career pathway for you.

In closing, I urge you to treat your graduation this evening not as an end point, but the start of a new journey. I urge you to apply your skills in your jobs, and continue to invest in lifelong learning. My congratulations to you once again on your achievements. I wish you all a successful and rewarding career ahead.

Thank you.


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