Mr Lim Hng Kiang at the A*STAR Scholarship Awards Ceremony

Mr Lim Hng Kiang at the A*STAR Scholarship Awards Ceremony


Scholars and Parents, Principals and Teachers, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen

My heartiest congratulations to the A*STAR scholars receiving your awards today and to your proud parents here too!

The R&D Scene in

All of you are embarking on a top quality education in science and engineering at a very timely stage. The Biomedical Sciences Initiative was launched in 2000.In six years, Singapore has built up its reputation as a center for excellence in biomedical sciences research. Bio polis today houses the five research institutes of the Biomedical Research Council. Pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies have also co-located their research and development labs at Bio polis. The annual research spending by the private biomedical sciences sector almost tripled from S$88 mil in 2001 to S$238 mil in 2004.

We have attracted global pharmaceutical companies to set up operations here. The biomedical sciences industry’s manufacturing output tripled from S$6 billion in 2000 to S$18 billion in 2005. value Added for the biomedical sciences cluster reached S$9.2 billion in 2005, creating 10,200 jobs.

Over the next 5 years, the Biomedical Research Council will be initiating new programmes in translational research to link basic scientific research with clinical applications. This exciting move would enable us to reap the benefits of scientific research for better patient care.

The other arm of our research efforts is in physical sciences and engineering research. By October 2007, Fusionopolis Phase I will be ready and would house the Infocomms and Media cluster. It will host technical infrastructure to support incubation and test-bedding of the next generation Infocomms and Media applications, and provide a stimulating environment for companies to try out novel concepts, prototypes and business models.

Fusionopolis Phase 2, for the equipment-intensive semiconductor, data storage and material and Nano science research areas, is slated for completion in end 2008. Six Science and Engineering Research Council research institutes with capabilities in infocomms, microelectronics, data storage, materials and manufacturing technologies will relocate to Fusionopolis Phases 1 and 2. Their inter-disciplinary, mission-oriented research, with state-of-the-art infrastructure and co-location of private industry research activities, will accelerate the creation of new technologies, innovations and products.

Discoveries and technologies from A*STAR research institutes are being commercialized into products and innovations. Let me quote just two recent examples. Viral DNA primers and antibodies were developed by the Genome Institute of Singapore and the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology into diagnostic kits for the rapid detection of SARS, in conjunction with Roche Diagnostics and

As yet another example, the Institute of Materials Research and Engineering developed the Fluid Lens: a lens the size of a one-cent coin, which is able to focus very clearly even at a short distance of 3 millimeters. The lens is made up entirely of liquid and has wide-ranging applications in mobile phone, camera, DVD and laser technology. This development has strong commercial potential.

The pace of global scientific and technological advance is quickening. Singapore is fully committed to building upon our research capabilities in Science and Technology in order to sharpen our economic competitiveness. These are exciting times to be a young person with a Passion for Science. You are in the right place at the right time and, I am sure, you are the right people.

Human Capital – Our Key Asset in R&D

We have laid the foundation, built the infrastructure and provided strong government support for research and development activities to take off successfully in Singapore. What we need to do next is to ensure that our efforts are sustained in the next 10 – 20 years. Where we go from here will depend on the quality and quantity of our people.

Human Capital is our most valuable asset for the success of research and development in Singapore. Singapore needs top-class people and talent, especially so as we advance into knowledge-based and knowledge-creating industries. We must have a critical mass of research scientists and engineers with excellent professional and scientific capabilities, to compete and attract investments from knowledge-intensive industries and create high value jobs. Further, these research scientists and engineers help our local enterprises to upgrade, move up the technology value-chain, and become more competitive internationally.

Over the last 5 years, we have attracted many international companies to base their research and development activities in Singapore; for example, the Novartis Institute for Tropical Diseases, GlaxoSmithKline, Rolls Royce and Boeing, to name a few. Smaller innovative biotech companies like CombinatoRx from the USA and Oxygenix from Japan have also set up their research and development labs in Singapore. This show their confidence in Singapore’s research infrastructure, our strong government focus on research and development and, most importantly, our growing pool of excellent research talent.

Over 2,000 research scientists and engineers now work in the 12 A*STAR research institutes. We have thus far attracted several world-renowned scientists who now call Singapore home and are helping to establish their own fields of internationally recognized expertise in Singapore.

Even as Singapore increasingly becomes a global magnet for skilled professionals from overseas, we must concurrently build up our pool of local Singaporean talent. Many other countries are intensifying their efforts not just to retain their own research talent but to draw international talent as well. Hence, Singapore will face increasing competition in attracting top scientists from abroad. Having a strong pipeline of Singaporeans with PhDs is therefore critical to A*STAR’s pro-international/pro-local talent recruitment policy. NUS and NTU, teachers and parents must play their part to encourage young Singaporeans to pursue graduate science and technology education and inspire them to take on research careers.

A*STAR's Scholarships

Among A*STAR’s 1,000 research scientists and engineers who have PhDs, less than 200 are Singaporean by birth or have acquired Singaporean citizenship. On 13th July 2001, A*STAR launched its scholarship programme to develop and nurture a core group of young Singaporean scientists with a passion for research. Beyond achieving top grades, scholars must have the curiosity and desire to pursue research careers and to be future research and development leaders in Singapore’s knowledge based economy aspiration. The A*STAR scholarships have helped to inculcate a positive mindset among bright Singaporean students on the importance and value of a PhD education, a critical factor in transforming Singapore into a knowledge based economy nation.

Over 500 A*STAR scholars are now pursuing a broad range of science and engineering disciplines in local and international educational institutions. The 2002 batch of scholars who completed their Bachelor’s degree abroad came home for their one-year research attachment in 2005.They have now acquired valuable research experience and have familiarized themselves with the on-going research in our institutes and are thus better equipped to choose a focus for their PhD studies. Thirty-six scholars will depart for their overseas PhD education this year. Hot on their heels, the 2003 batch of 39 scholars have just completed their Bachelor’s degrees in 2006 and are now on their one-year research attachment at BMRC and SERC research institutes prior to commencing their PhD studies in 2007.

Twenty PhD scholars have completed their studies and are now actively carrying out research in A*STAR research institutes. Twenty more PhDs will return home this year. From 2009 onwards, about 50 PhD trained Singaporeans will be returning each year. As the A*STAR PhD partnership programmes build up to full capacity with NUS and NTU in Singapore, Imperial College and Dundee University in the UK, University of Illinois and Carnegie Mellon in the USA, and the Karolinska Institute in Sweden, we expect to train another 60 scholars per year at steady state.

This year, A*STAR is providing a total of 162 scholarships and awards. In addition, A*STAR has 55 young ASEAN students who are doing their secondary and pre-university studies in Singapore under the A*STAR Young Researchers' Attachment Programme. There are also 100 outstanding Singaporean JC students who are recipients of the A*STAR JC Science Award. These young people are here with us for the ceremony.

Parting Advice to Scholars

As scholars, you are among Singapore’s best and brightest. You have personally chosen a path in Science and have been selected for the prestigious A*STAR scholarships and awards. Do not rest on your laurels and assume that it is going to be an easy road ahead. The journey towards a PhD and a research career is not an easy one. Keep your minds open to new ideas. Have a deep thirst for knowledge and, importantly, remain intellectually flexible.

Relentlessly pursue an in-depth understanding of your field of interest. Yet, you should also have a broad appreciation of the whole. Make it a point to meet, network and stay connected with a wide range of people. Learn from different backgrounds, cultures and academic disciplines, and bring new ideas back to Singapore. Stay in touch with your parents and friends in Singapore. This is your home where your family and friends are. Remember that the support given by your parents and teachers has brought you here today as an A*STAR scholar. When you return, apply your skills not only to solving scientific questions, but also to helping confront the challenges that Singapore will face in the future — challenges which will often not be in the area of your immediate expertise. Your ability to generalize your creative talents for our country will help to ensure the security and prosperity of your families, friends and Singapore.

Once again, my heartiest congratulations to all scholars as you embark on your exciting journey of learning and discovery! Remember, Singapore’s future depends on you.

Thank you.

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