Innovative Business Ideas Given An Advantage

Innovative Business Ideas Given An Advantage

Submit a business innovation idea and gain an advantage in the use of
government assets


Mr Alvin Lee, the man behind Castle Beach, has every reason to be happy with the government’s First Mover Framework which aims to promote innovation in the use of government assets. "I wanted to start a center devoted to organized sandcastle building activities and I thought a natural venue would be at the beach. Luckily for me, the National Parks Board was open to my idea and directly allocated me a piece of beach land at East Coast Park.”

The First Mover Framework rewards businesses with innovative ideas on the use of government assets in two ways:

An Allocation Advantage – where the First Mover gets a favorable treatment when the asset is being allocated: e.g. a First Mover could be directly given the use of the asset without going through competitive tendering; AND/OR

A Price Advantage where the First Mover need not pay the full market price for the use of the asset: e.g. a First Mover could be given a discount on the fee for using the asset.

Other examples of successful First Mover ideas include using hawker center table-tops as advertising space, and the establishment of the Environmental Hub at Pulau Ubin.

The Pro-Enterprise Panel (PEP), chaired by Head of Civil Service Mr. Peter Ho, and comprising well-known private sector business leaders and senior public sector officers, has recently assumed the role of Champion for the First Mover initiative. The PEP has a track record in reviewing suggestions from businesses and cutting unnecessary red tape in Government rules and regulations. Of the 1,700 suggestions submitted by businesses, more than half have been accepted for implementation, leading to a more pro-enterprise environment for Singapore. In recognition of its efforts, the United Nations accorded the PEP the distinction of being a Finalist in the United Nations Public Service Awards (UNPSA)this year.

PEP member Ms Jennie Chua, President and CEO of the The Ascott Group Ltd, challenged businesses to make full use of this opportunity to come up with innovative ideas to enjoy the advantages, “PEP is able to tap on the wealth of experiences of its private sector members to help public agencies evaluate and help innovative ideas to take off. We know that being a First Mover is not easy as one is treading into untested waters. The PEP would like to reward businesses that dare to be pioneers in creating new business opportunities. In fact, we would like to throw a challenge to businesses – come up with an innovative idea that makes use of government assets, and get an advantage as a First Mover!”

The Chairman of the PEP, Mr. Peter Ho, added, “The First Mover Framework not only gives innovative businesses a head start but also encourages the formation of creative new businesses. Many of these businesses add value and vibrancy to the economy. This is a win-win proposition – government assets are better utilized and innovative businesses get a chance to put their ideas into practice for commercial benefit.”

More Proactive Facilitation of Suggestions and Business Ideas

The PEP has been actively reaching out to the businesses to solicit feedback to cutting red tape and encourage innovative business ideas. The PEP has organized many outreach sessions with business associations and in partnership with the Action Community of Entrepreneurship (ACE).From 28 January to 1 February, PEP will organize a public road show right in the middle of Raffles Place – a symbol of the PEP’s partnership with businesses and government agencies to cut business red tap tape.

The PEP has recently started a new scheme to tap on public officers for ideas to cut red tape for businesses. The effort is starting to bear fruits. For instance, arising from a suggestion from a public officer, businesses applying for a Factory License from the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) will no longer have to purchase and produce the Certificate of Statutory Completion (CSC) or Temporary Occupation Permit (TOP) of their factory buildings.

Businesses are encouraged to put in their suggestions to cut red tape at www.pep.gov.sg and submit innovative ideas to enjoy the First Mover Advantage at www.firstmover.gov.sg .

Ministry of Trade and Industry

25 January 2008









Alvin Lee's (in yellow tee-shirt) Castle Beach has benefited from the First Mover Advantage

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