Joint Ministerial Statement - 25th ASEAN Ministers on Energy Meeting (AMEM) Singapore, 23 August 2007

Joint Ministerial Statement - 25th ASEAN Ministers on Energy Meeting (AMEM) Singapore, 23 August 2007

Energizing ASEAN to Power a Dynamic Asia

The 25th ASEAN Ministers on Energy Meeting (AMEM) was held in Singapore on 23 August 2007.H.E. S Iswaran, Minister of State, Ministry of Trade and Industry of the Republic of Singapore chaired the 25th AMEM.H.E. Dr. Piyasvasti Amranand, Minister of Energy of the Kingdom of Thailand served the meeting as the vice-chairperson.

The Ministers expressed appreciation to Lao PDR for its chairpersonship of AMEM in the past year, which had strengthened ASEAN cooperation in the six programme areas of the ASEAN Plan of Action on Energy Cooperation (APAEC) 2004-2009.

The Ministers discussed various measures to promote greater energy stability, security and sustainability, as a pathway to ASEAN Community 2015.The Ministers also exchanged views within the context of an increasing global consensus that energy security is fundamentally linked to ASEAN’s economic, social and environmental well-being. In doing so, the Ministers considered ways to respond to the increasing world oil prices and oil dependency, as well as the region’s broader energy supply and demand challenges.

Opening Ceremony

H.E. Professor S. Jayakumar, Deputy Prime Minister, coordinating Minister for National Security and Minister for Law of the Republic of Singapore, officially opened the 25th AMEM. In his Keynote Speech, the Deputy Prime Minister highlighted that Asia is experiencing an unparalleled decade of fast growth, with South East Asian Economies in particular registering high growth. Hence, there is an increasing need for affordable and reliable energy supplies to support the rapid pace of economic expansion in ASEAN and the larger Asian region. It is also important for ASEAN countries to balance their economic development with environmental sustainability.

The Deputy Prime Minister highlighted four key energy priorities for ASEAN:

(a) improving energy efficiency;

(b) developing competitive regional energy markets;

(c) investing in energy research and development; and

(d) promoting a clean environment.

He encouraged Member Countries to foster closer dialogue and cooperation to effectively address global energy and environmental issues so as to benefit the region as a whole.

Fostering Greater ASEAN Energy Cooperation and Integration

The Ministers reaffirmed that an efficient, secure and integrated energy system is key to hastening the establishment of the ASEAN Economic Community by 2015.The Ministers agreed to strengthen sustainable energy development through the expanding markets for renewable energy technologies and energy efficient products; to promote comprehensive institutional arrangement for enhanced security and stability of energy supply in ASEAN; to develop regional energy infrastructure facilities, and to intensify regional cooperation in enhancing energy integration. The Ministers uphold their commitments to work closely with all relevant agencies and, in particular, the private sectors, the ASEAN dialogue partners, and relevant international organizations, to help ensure greater regional energy security and sustainability.

The Ministers in-principle agreed to the establishment of an ASEAN Nuclear Energy Safety Sub-Sector Network to explore nuclear safety issues. The Ministers tasked the senior energy officials to determine the Terms of Reference and composition of this network, and to report the status by the next AMEM in 2008.

The Ministers signed the Memorandum of Understanding on the ASEAN Power Grid (MOU on the APG) to serve as a reference document for the coordination and facilitation of the programmes to implement the power interconnection projects in the ASEAN region. The Ministers recognized that, through establishing policy framework and modalities for power interconnection and trade, this MOU will pave the way for the important implementation of the APG.

The Ministers noted the progress in finalizing the new ASEAN Petroleum Security Agreement (APSA).Conclusion of the new APSA would be an important milestone to provide the necessary mechanism for a timely coordinated response during periods of petroleum shortages and emergencies. The new APSA, upon endorsement by the Ministers, will replace the 1986 version. In this regard, the Ministers looked forward to the conclusion and signing of the new APSA during the 26th AMEM in 2008.

Steady Progress in Implementation of the Vientiane Action Programme (VAP) Energy Agenda and the ASEAN Plan of Action for Energy Cooperation (APAEC) 2004-2009

The Ministers noted with appreciation the implementation progress of the Vientiane Action Programme (VAP) energy cooperation agenda as well as the major cooperative programs and activities under the APAEC 2004-2009.

The Ministers applauded the efforts undertaken by Member Countries in the past year to promote the production and utilization of renewable energy, with a view to increase the share of renewable energy in power generation in the region to 10% by 2010.Recognising the gradual emergence of bio-fuels as one of the alternatives to reduce ASEAN’s fossil fuel consumption, the Ministers reiterated the need to foster closer cooperation in promoting bio-fuels produced in a sustainable manner. The Ministers also agreed to forge further regional cooperative partnership to promote solar, wind, geothermal, hydro, and biomass energy.

The Ministers welcomed the significant increase in the regional Energy Efficiency & Conservation (EE&C) activities, which covers institutional capacity building programs, and greater private sector involvement, in Member Countries. Recognising the importance of EE&C in meeting the growing energy needs with a lower environmental impact, the Ministers agreed to further intensify cooperation in this area to, among others, mitigate greenhouse gas emissions.

The Ministers tasked the ASEAN Forum on Coal (AFOC) to take environmental concerns into consideration, amid forging cooperation in the ASEAN coal sector. The Ministers encouraged AFOC to undertake efforts in exploring the usage of clean coal energy in ASEAN.

The Ministers encouraged Member Countries to create suitable conditions that facilitate energy infrastructure investments, in particular, in energy production, to secure adequate and stable supply of energy. The Ministers expressed hope that through energy infrastructure investments and cross-border trade, ASEAN economies can better access the energy resources and technologies to meet the region’s energy needs.

Briefing on OPEC Activities – Responding to the Impact of Volatile Oil Prices and Oil Dependency

The Ministers expressed appreciation of the decision of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) to maintain oil market stability with reasonable price consistency. The Ministers looked forward to OPEC’s initiative to closely monitor oil market developments and to take appropriate and prompt actions as and when the need arises. Acknowledging that the exchange of energy data is essential for market predictability and stability, the Ministers welcomed future dialogue and consultation on energy-related issues with the OPEC.

Cooperation with Dialogue Partners and International Organizations

The Ministers appreciated the great strides taken in energy cooperative partnerships between ASEAN and its dialogue partners. In particular, the Ministers welcomed the completion of the European Union (EU)-ASEAN Energy Facilities (EAEF) projects in February 2007, as well as the successful convening of the inaugural energy dialogue between the ASEAN Senior Officials on Energy (SOE) and the European Union on 22 August 2007.

The Ministers noted the interest expressed by China and the Russian Federation to forge closer cooperative partnership with ASEAN in the energy sector. The Ministers tasked the senior officials to study these requests and to report the progress, where appropriate, at the next AMEM in 2008.

The Ministers lauded the efforts by the ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE) to provide technical assistance to the respective ASEAN energy sub-sector networks, project preparation, coordination, facilitation, and also to forge technical and financial collaborative partnership with the ASEAN dialogue partners and other international and regional organizations in the implementation of the APAEC 2004-2009.

ASEAN Energy Awards 2007

The Ministers congratulated the winners and runners-up from the 51 national nominees for the ASEAN Energy Awards 2007 under the ASEAN Best Practices Competition for Energy Efficient Buildings, ASEAN Best Practices for Energy Management in Buildings and Industries Competition, and Renewable Energy Project Competition.

26th ASEAN Ministers Energy Meeting

The Ministers agreed to convene the 26th ASEAN Ministers on Energy Meeting (AMEM) in Thailand in 2008.

The Ministers expressed appreciation to the Government and people of the Republic of Singapore for the warm hospitality accorded to them and their respective delegations, as well as the excellent arrangement made for the 25th AMEM.

List of Ministers

a) H.E. Pehin Dato Haji Yahya, Minister of Energy, Prime Minister’s Office for Brunei Darussalam;

b) H.E. Mr. Suy Sem, Minister of Industry, Mines and Energy for Cambodia;

c) H.E. Dr. Purnomo Yusgiantoro, Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources for Indonesia;

d )H.E. Dr. Bosaykham Vongdara, Minister of Energy and Mines for Lao PDR;

e )H.E. Dato’ Sri Dr. Lim Keng Yaik, Minister of Energy, Water and Communications for Malaysia;

f) H.E. Brig. Gen. Lun Thi, Minister of Energy for Myanmar;

g )H.E. Mr. Angelo T. Reyes, Secretary of Energy for the Philippines;

h) H.E. Mr. S. Iswaran, Minister of State, Ministry for Trade and Industry for Singapore;

i) H.E. Dr. Piyasvasti Amranand, Minister of Energy for Thailand;

j) H.E. Mr. Le Duong Quang, Vice Minister of Industry and Trade for Viet Nam; and

k) H.E Mr. Nicholas T Dammen, Deputy Secretary-General of ASEAN
23 Aug 2007

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