Written reply to PQ on Electrical Installations Regulations

Written reply to PQ on Electrical Installations Regulations



Mr Don Wee: To ask the Minister for Trade and Industry (a) what measures are there to ensure that only qualified personnel install electrical wiring and appliances and residual current circuit breakers; (b) whether there are audits to check on the quality of the installation work; and (c) whether there are periodic inspections and audits of electrical wiring in all buildings, especially those over 20 years old.


Written Answer by Minister for Trade and Industry Gan Kim Yong


1. The Energy Market Authority (EMA) regulates electrical installations in Singapore via the Electricity (Electrical Installations) Regulations. These regulations require all electrical works, such as the installation of electrical wiring and residual current circuit breakers (RCCB), to be undertaken by a licensed electrical worker (LEW). The regulations also require the LEW to ensure that the electrical works meet the industry technical and safety requirements and standards.


2. After the completion of the electrical installations, the LEW is required to apply to SP Group for inspection and testing of the installations. This is to ensure that they have been installed correctly and are safe and fit for operation, before the electricity supply can be turned on.


3. For non-domestic premises, the owners/users are required to appoint a LEW to take charge of the electrical installations, which entails seeking a licence for electrical installations above 45kVA, and regular inspections and rectification works, if needed, to ensure the safe operation of the electrical installations. The frequency of inspection is at least once a year, with electrical installations in higher-risk settings or premises being subject to more frequent inspection and certification. For example, electrical installations at construction sites must be inspected monthly, while those in public areas and HDB estates’ common areas must be inspected at least once every six months. These requirements can be found at the following website:  https://www.ema.gov.sg/cmsmedia/Handbook/Handbook_for_Application_of_Electrical_Installation_Licence.pdf.


4. For domestic premises, there is no requirement for owners/users to appoint a LEW to take charge of the electrical wiring after they are installed. Since 1985, the Government made it mandatory for all new domestic premises and those that undertake re-wiring works including HDB flats to install a RCCB as part of their electrical wiring installation. The RCCB will cut off electricity supply automatically in the event of an electricity leakage to protect the users. EMA strongly recommends all homeowners to periodically test their RCCB to ensure that they are functioning properly and to engage a LEW to replace them if needed. EMA conducts periodic educational campaigns on electrical safety with agencies such as the Housing and Development Board (HDB) and Enterprise Singapore (ESG). For example, in July  2021, EMA had sent out information leaflets (https://www.ema.gov.sg/consumer-information/electricity/electrical-safety) in utility bills to remind homeowners to test their RCCBs.

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