Written reply to PQ on the provision of goods and services to Singapore

Written reply to PQ on the provision of goods and services to Singapore


Mr Desmond Choo: To ask the Minister for Trade and Industry in view of the rising number of COVID-19 cases in Malaysia and implementation of Movement Control Order in selected states of Malaysia (a) how will this development affect provision of goods and services to Singapore; and (b) how prepared has the Ministry been to meet supplies disruptions since the start of COVID-19.

Written Answer by Minister for Trade & Industry Mr Chan Chun Sing

1. To combat rising numbers of COVID-19 cases, Malaysia has imposed a Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO) in Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, and Putrajaya since 14 October 2020.  The CMCO does not affect economic activities such as logistics, which continue to operate. The flow of goods and services between Malaysia and Singapore has remained smooth.  We have a mutual interest to ensure that supply chains function well so that essential supplies remain available to both countries and business disruption is minimised.  

2. Nevertheless, as I shared with the House previously, we have strengthened our ability to withstand unexpected disruptions through a combination of strategies such as stockpiling essential items, diversifying our import sources, and increasing local production.  We are also working closely with companies on their business continuity plans.  I wish to thank everyone for their support and hard work during this unusual time.
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