Written reply to PQ on electricity through natural gas

Written reply to PQ on electricity through natural gas


Ms Anthea Ong: To ask the Minister for Trade and Industry with regard to the target of generating 90% of Singapore's electricity through natural gas (a) what is the current energy composition for electricity generation; (b) what is the expected composition in 2030; and (c) whether there are plans to phase out the most carbon intensive fossil fuels like coal and oil from electricity generation by 2030.

Written Answer by Minister for Trade & Industry Mr Chan Chun Sing

1. About 95% of Singapore’s electricity is generated using natural gas. Non-fossil fuel sources (e.g. municipal waste, biomass and solar) accounts for 3%.  The rest comes from a mixture of coal, diesel and fuel oil.

2. Natural gas, the cleanest form of fossil fuel, will continue to be Singapore’s dominant energy source in 2030. We are working with power generation companies and industries to reduce their usage of high carbon fuels.  In addition, we aim to increase our solar capacity by six-fold, achieving at least 2 gigawatt-peak (GWp) by 2030.  This will contribute to about 3% of our energy demand in 2030. We are also exploring opportunities to import clean energy from our neighbouring countries.
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