Minister Iswaran's written reply to PQ on Industry Transformation Maps

Minister Iswaran's written reply to PQ on Industry Transformation Maps


Mr Zaqy Mohamad: To ask the Minister for Trade and Industry (Industry) (a) what are the identified sectors to be covered under the $4.5 billion Industry Transformation Programme; and (b) what are the sector-specific measures to help qualifying companies in the identified sectors.

Written Answer (attributed to Mr S Iswaran, Minister for Trade and Industry (Industry))

As part of the $4.5 billion Industry Transformation Programme (ITP), the Government will develop individual Industry Transformation Maps (ITMs) for 23 sectors. They include both domestically-oriented sectors such as construction, healthcare, food services, and retail, as well as outward-oriented sectors such as hotels, logistics, food manufacturing, and precision engineering. These sectors account for about 80% of GDP.

2.Each ITM will comprise a growth and competitiveness plan, and will integrate existing sector-specific initiatives and schemes. These include programmes to upgrade productivity, develop skills, promote technology adoption & innovation, and help companies expand overseas. Each ITM will be developed and implemented in partnership with companies, industry associations, business chambers, and unions.

3.Let me use Precision Engineering (PE) as an example. The productivity roadmap for the sector promotes automation, process improvement, and job redesign among PE companies. At the same time, the Precision Engineering Vocational Continuing Education and Training (PEVC) programme will develop a pipeline of skilled craftsmen to support the shift to higher value-added manufacturing. In the longer term, we also aim to seize growth opportunities afforded by technologies such as additive manufacturing and advanced robotics. The Singapore Precision Engineering and Technology Association (SPETA) and the Singapore Manufacturing Federation (SMF) are partnering the Government in refining and implementing these initiatives.

4.Collectively, the ITMs are important opportunities for the Government and industry to work together and maximise the benefit for companies. The plans will be refined over time in response to external developments and trends as well as the needs of companies in each sector.

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