Second Minister S Iswaran’s Written Reply to Parliamentary Question on Feedback from Stakeholders on Singapore Tourism Board (Amendment) Act 2014

Second Minister S Iswaran’s Written Reply to Parliamentary Question on Feedback from Stakeholders on Singapore Tourism Board (Amendment) Act 2014

Second Minister S Iswaran’s Written Reply to Parliamentary Question on Feedback from Stakeholders on Singapore Tourism Board (Amendment) Act 2014

Mr Ang Hin Kee: To ask the Minister for Trade and Industry since the Singapore Tourism Board (Amendment) Act 2014 came into effect in October 2014, (a) what are the comments and feedback from practising tour guides with regard to the amendments; and (b) have the amendments been well understood by all stakeholders and effectively implemented to arrive at the intended outcome.

Written Answer by Mr S Iswaran, Second Minister for Trade and Industry
1. Since the Singapore Tourism Board (Amendment) Act 2014 came into effect in October 2014, STB has actively engaged industry partners, including the Society of Tourist Guides Singapore, the NTUC Tourist Guide Chapter, travel agents and key attractions operators through regular sessions. The feedback shows that the legislative amendments have been understood and well-received by Tourist Guides. Industry players have also shared that the situation on the ground has improved, and tour groups were observed to be guided by licensed Tourist Guides.
2. STB has also increased its enforcement against unlicensed guides.  In the three months since October 2014, when the legislative amendments came into force, STB has almost tripled the frequency of its enforcement checks from 36 to 100 a month.  STB will continue to closely monitor the situation and take firm action against companies and individuals who do not comply with the regulatory requirements.
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